Al Jana Festival (Lebanon)

À propos

27 octobre 2010


 Clown Me In, took part of the Janana mobile festival in Lebanon. We performed and gave workshops for marginalized Palestinian and Lebanese communities, toured Lebanon from its north to south and east to west, spent lots of time with kids coming from Palestinian camps.

The Janana mobile festival brought together kids from Palestinian camps and from Lebanon, in addition to other key players. Its aim was to place them in an environment where they can contemplate new ideas and innovative alternatives so that the potential for different futures becomes a realistic option. The festival included the following:
1. Fun hands-on activities promoting conflict transformation & healthy living Songs for children, different workshops, clown show, magic show.
2. A street carnival that engaged people of all ages. Children (8-14) were encouraged to express their issues in creative ways.

Clown Me In gave 45 min “Dancing instead of fighting” workshops everyday. Focusing on movement techniques to transform bad emotions into good ones, and sharing songs and cultures of different countries.
Also, Clown Me In performed a clown show based on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and its derivatives.

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