À propos
Program name: Ilisaut
Producer: Paul Apak Angilirq - Igloolik - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
Host: Pacome Qulaut
Camera: Pacome Qulaut, Natar Ungalaq and Julie Ivalu
Editor: Paul Apak Angilirq and Julie Ivalu
Location: Igloolik
Segment 1: An interview with Mr. and Mrs. Ipeelie and Seporah Innukshuk about traditional marriage and about their first arranged marriage.
Segment 2: Attagutaaluk Elementary School students work on and present an exhibit about traditional clothing. They interviewed Joanna Quassa, Amelia Angillrq and Eulalie Angotimarik .
Segment 3: Vignette with Rachel Ujarasuk about traditional clothing along with Noah Piugattuk on hunting tools.
The Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, established in Canada's territory of Nunavut, has been producing Inuit language video, by, for and about Inuit since 1981. This video is from their collection and has been made available on the Internet for your enjoyment through funding provided by the Government of Canada and the Government of Nunavut.