British Columbia: Moveable Feasts - Chronicles Of “Potlatching” Among The Tsimshian, 1860s–1900s
British Columbia: Moveable Feasts - Chronicles Of “Potlatching” Among The Tsimshian, 1860s–1900s Peggy Brock, 2012 This article considers Tsimshian feasting activities from the 1860s to the turn of the century. It is informed by the remarkable diary of a Tsimshian, Arthur Wellington Clah. It takes up the analysis where Robert Grumet left it in his article in Ethnohistory in 1975. Clah's day-by-day account shows how support for feasting and the chiefly system it reinforced waxed...For the rest of the article, as well as maps, images, related items, and videos, please visit Indigenous Peoples Issues & Resources.