Genealogy - Panikpak

Portrait de Gabriela Gamez
Multimedia Content on IsumaTV (Video, Audio and Images).
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She is an elegant, intelligent woman with a young girl's lively face. She exudes energy and at the same time gives an immediate sense of calmness and strength. She possesses spirit powers.

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She is an elegant, intelligent woman with a young girl's lively face. She exudes energy and at the same time gives an immediate sense of calmness and strength. She possesses spirit powers.

MADELINE IVALU plays Panikpak, the older female lead, whose intelligence and perseverance is instrumental in regaining harmony for the divided community. Madeline is a well-known artist and seamstress, and is one of the founding members of Igloolik's Arnait Video Productions (Women's Video Workshop), a group of Igloolik women making video from a women's point of view since 1991.


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Produced with the financial participation of
Canada logo Canadian Heritage logo Telefilm Logo

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