Upcoming Screenings: UN and ArcticNet

"Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change" will be screened nationally and internationally over the next month.

On December 5th, the film will be presented at the international UN COP-16 climate change meetings, and will be followed by discussion with partner organizations, including The Council of Canadians, The Indigenous Environmental Network, and others.

On December 15th, Zacharias and Ian will be in Ottawa to present the film and participate in an interactive Q and A at ArcticNet, Canada's largest Northern Research meeting (www.arcticnetmeetings.ca/asm2010/index.php). Approximately 500 researchers and 300 policy-makers will be attending this conference, and the IKCC screening is free and available to the public.

For those of you not in Ottawa, please feel free to watch the live broadcast on our website, and Skype in to interact live with the filmmakers and audience (see poster for details).





À propos

02 décembre 2010


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