Before Tomorrow - July 2nd, 2006 - Vol. 3

À propos

10 janvier 2019


By Arnait, 2008 – Feature Film

Circa 1840. Two isolated families meet after many years. It is summer; a happy time to celebrate their reunion. Despite the joyful mood, Ningiuq, an old woman of strength and wisdom, cannot stop worrying. Is it the illness of her best friend, Kutuguk, who is preparing to die? Or is it the strange foreign object that Maniq, her favourite grandson, found on the beach?

After a successful fishing season, the families decide to dry the winter's catch on a remote island. Ningiuq volunteers to take on this chore. Her faithful grandson Maniq follows her, as does the old Kutuguk. As the cold of fall begins the three wait in vain for the hunters to return. When the first snow falls Ningiuq decides to return to the main camp with Maniq to see what has happened to the others.

Based on the novel For Morgendaggen by Jorn Riel.

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