The Journals of Knud Rasmussen: A Sense of Memory and High-definition Inuit Storytelling

In January 2008, Isuma Publishing released a new book, The Journals of Knud Rasmussen: A Sense of Memory and High-definition Inuit Storytelling. This book includes the complete original screenplay in English and Inuktitut of The Journals, Isuma's second feature film in The Fast Runner Trilogy after Atanarjuat The Fast Runner, and 25 pieces of writing reflecting on themes of memory, history and Isuma's

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In January 2008, Isuma Publishing released a new book, The Journals of Knud Rasmussen: A Sense of Memory and High-definition Inuit Storytelling. This book includes the complete original screenplay in English and Inuktitut of The Journals, Isuma's second feature film in The Fast Runner Trilogy after Atanarjuat The Fast Runner, and 25 pieces of writing reflecting on themes of memory, history and Isuma's approach to filmmaking as Inuit storytelling.

Edited by Gillian Robinson, writers include Lee Maracle, Floyd Favel, Hugh Brody, Alberto Manguel, Alootook Ipillee and others. We want to preview some of these writings in Blogs here on This allows people to read them and comment in ways that invite others, including the writer, to reply. To purchase the book contact


Mapping Our Way Through History: Reflections on Knud Rasmussen's Journals - by Lee Maracle

Maps are orders marching men to old places already seen
Maps conjure memories of spoil, of plunder and innocence
Maps are journeys to illusions no one has learned from
Maps are critical revisits with visions, vistas and never before seen repeats

Walking Both Sides of an Invisible Border - by Alootook Ipellie

It Was Not 'Jajai-ja-jiijaaa Anymore - But 'Amen'

It was in the guise of the Holy Spirit
That they swooped down on the tundra
Single-minded and determined
To change forever the face
Of ancient Spirituals

These lawless missionaries from places unknown

Without stories we are lost... - by Hugh Brody

The strangers from Greenland sit in the snow house of Avva, a shaman.  Avva introduces his family to the visitors. The scene is tense, with silences that are awkward or watchful.  Avva puffs on his pipe.

Poems from The Crooked Good - by Louise Bernice Halfe

The End and the Beginning

I made a trip across the largest lake
I’ve ever seen
to where the long noses live.
There on the hill
Boulders sat
in a Talking Circle.
I walked around and gave tobacco.
They squeezed their stone-ground hands

Spirit Being Dialogue - by Floyd Favel

There are some films that stay with us forever, the characters alive within us, like spirit beings.

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