
  • 1h 30m 9s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    chaîne: IBC

     Program: I Qanuq Isumavit? is a phone-in (What Do You Think?): IBC's only live production, the phone-in show enables the northern audience to discuss current issues and events in detail.… En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 26-03-2019

  • 25m 53s

    KRC Meeting _1986

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    chaîne: IBC

    Keewatin Regional Council Meeting - 1986

    Program name: Takuyaksat
    Takuyaksat was a Baker Lake production involving cultural activities, storytelling, hunting, sewing, and legends.
    Producer: Baker Lake - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Location: Baker Lake, Nunavut
    Host: William Noah

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 06-05-2015