Miali and Jupee go caribou hunting. They catch a caribou and drink some tea out on the land. Miali and Juupe tuttuliaqsimajuuk ammalu nunami tiituqtuuk.
Mary Ineak and Pinalapi recycle (re-use) food containers. Anirniq talks about bringing pop cans to the recycling station in Iqaluit instead of throwing them away. Miali Ainiak ammalu Pinalapi niqiqautiminirnnik nuatisimatillugit atukkannirunnaqtunik. Ammalu Anirnniq iqqaitittikanniqtuq imigautiminiit igingillugit imigaqautiminirnit nuattisuukunnuurujigunnaqtusi.
Matu is carving an inukshuk. He says he's too old now to carve more than one inukshuk in a day. He finishes the carving and he realizes that his house is a mess. He thinks about calling Anirniq to come and clean his place because he thinks he's too old to clean it himself. Jaaji walks in the door and sees all the mess. He offers to help Matu clean.… En savoir plus
Rebecca Veevee and Kootookooloo Alainga finish up making fish burgers and a salad and Johnny and Annalulla eat some. Uliipika Viivi ammalu Kuutuukulu Alainga ikiarmililiuqtanginnik pijariiqtillugit. Jaani ammalu Amaulla niriliqtillugik.
Oleesie teaches Johnny, Leeveena, Paliaq and Philip how to make bannock and deep fried bannock. Uliisi ilisaijuq Jaanimik, Liviinamik, Paliarmik amma Pilipimik qanuq palaugaliusungumangata ajjiginngitunik.
Julia Amaroalik cooks a caribou roast and makes bannock with two children. Juulia Amarualik igaup iluagut tuttuminiliuqtillugu ammalu palaugaaliutillugu marruunnik surisiinik piqatiqaqtuni.
A storybook about people who live at an outpost camp. Tommy broke his leg because he didn't listen to his parents. He has to go to the hospital. Uqalimaagaq Tommyup missaanut niunga nakanirngat nunaliralaammiutaullutik aaniavilialiqtuviniq.
Two boys are told by their father how to test the ice before they go skating. The mother also talks with them about remembering the words of their father. The father says that the knowledge he is sharing with them is from his grandfather. Marruuk angutiik uqaujurtaujuuk ataataminut qanuq siku qaujisartaujariaqarmangaat siarijangininginik.… En savoir plus
An elder from Iqaluit explains what to bring for safety when you are going out on the land. Innatuqaq Iqalunnimiutaq iqqaitittitijuq sunanik naksariaqarmangata maqainniaruni kinatuinnaq.
Johnny and Aniriniq play outside. Johnny finds a wallet and wants to go and buy some food right away, but Anirniq wants to return it to the owner, so they go to Quujuq's place where she reports the lost wallet to CBC and the RCMP. They go back out to go see some caribou and Johnny chases them around.… En savoir plus
Mary Ineak reads a book to Michael and Tunilusi about having to listen to their parents and respect others. Miali Ainea uqalimaaqtillugu Maiku Nuamut ammalu Tunisuli Kuutuumu angijuqqaatinni naalagiaqarnitinni ammalu asittinni pittiariaqarnitinni.