
  • 6m 43s

    Tracking Polar Bears Outside Makkovik

    uploaded by: Nanuk Narratives

    chaîne: Nanuk Narratives

    Tracking Polar Bears Outside Makkovik

    Inuit receiving one of the two polar bear licenses in Makkovik, Nunatsiavut, have seven days to hunt a polar bear before the license is passed to another hunter. This video shares an experience of tracking polar bears outside of Makkovik.

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    uploaded date: 20-12-2024

  • 5m 43s

    Observations of Polar Bears Around Makkovik

    uploaded by: Nanuk Narratives

    chaîne: Nanuk Narratives

    Observations of Polar Bears Around Makkovik

    What do the changing ice conditions mean for polar bears? Knowledge holders in Makkovik share their views, and their experiences with changing bear behaviour. They also reflect on the importance of hunter education and connection to culture for sustained relationships with bears.

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    uploaded date: 19-12-2024