In August 2016, The Journals of Knud Rassussen opened the Tillutarniit (pulses) film series in Montreal. Zach explains the motivations of making this film, details the historical context behind the story, as well as the research and filming process.
Conversations with the Earth (CWE) is an indigenous-led multimedia collaboration that uses professional storytelling and high-impact exhibits to amplify urgent indigenous voices in the global discourse on climate change.… En savoir plus
The wearer of this necklace is shaman and camp leader. It signifies
authority and supernatural power, commanding respect and obedience from the
rest of the camp's inhabitants.
This parka is worn by the original camp leader and shaman Kumaglak. His
murder in the presence of the Evil Shaman, Tungajuaq, sparks the bloody feud
between Atanarjuat and Oki's families. The raven feathers sewn on the skin of
the parka indicate that the man wearing it is a shaman.
Mosha Folger draws a narrative arc with spoken word and song; from his Inuit ancestors hunting seals to leaving his Arctic home to the glimmer of hope he sees for the future of his people.… En savoir plus