
  • 3m 41s

    Cine e intercambio

    uploaded by: APATAPELA

    chaîne: APATAPELA

    25 jeunes venus de territoires indigènes et régionaux du Chili, Bolivie, France et Espagne ont une bobine 16mm et trois semaines pour réaliser un court-métrage!

    Quelques images du déroulement de cet atelier/rencontre.

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 17-10-2010

  • IBC

    uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez

    The Inuit Broadcasting Corporation provides a window to the Arctic by producing award-winning television programming by Inuit, for Inuit. Created in the late 1970's, IBC is, indeed, Nunavut’s public producer. IBC does not produce the regular fare of TV sitcoms and talk shows.… En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 15-01-2009