
  • 28m 53s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    chaîne: IBC 3

     Program name: Qimaivvik – (To Leave Something): Qimaivvik is IBC's cultural program. This program includes topics such as hunting and hunting methods, sewing techniques, legends, stories, language and traditional methods such as igloo building. Qimaivvik is aimed for the 16 to 60 age group.… En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 25-09-2020

  • 28m 52s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    chaîne: IBC 3

    Program name: Qimaivvik – (To Leave Something): Qimaivvik is IBC's cultural program. This program includes topics such as hunting and hunting methods, sewing techniques, legends, stories, language and traditional methods such as igloo building. Qimaivvik is aimed for the 16 to 60 age group.… En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 25-09-2020

  • 57m 54s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    chaîne: IBC 3

    Program name: Qimaivvik – (To Leave Something):   Qimaivvik is IBC's cultural program.  This program includes topics such as hunting and hunting methods, sewing techniques, legends, stories, language and traditional methods such as igloo building.  Qimaivvik is aimed for the 16 to 60 age group.  Qimaivvik is a half hour program produced in Baker Lake with seg… En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 25-09-2020

  • 31m 17s

    Of Ravens and Children

    uploaded by: maia iotzova

    chaîne: Arnait Video Productions

    A documentary exploring issues of family, community, self, environment and culture including perspectives of children, teens and elders from Igloolik.

    Of Ravens and Children, Arnait Video Productions 2015, Director Marie-Helene Cousineau. Inuktut and English w/Eng s-t.

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 05-03-2015