
  • 29s

    Haida Teen Night

    uploaded by: kenleslie

    chaîne: haidawood

    This was a super short movie we made with Haida teens during a Teen Night at the Youth Center.

    Filmmaker: Ken Leslie

    Filmmaker Contact:



    Producer's Name: Haidawood

    Year of Production: 2007

    Distributor Information:

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 20-03-2008

  • 4m 38s


    uploaded by: kenleslie

    chaîne: haidawood

    This movie was made as part of the Haidawood Media Project over a two week period in the summer of 2007. Haidawood aims to make short stop motion animated movies with the help of Haida youth, artists, and language teachers, to help promote and teach the Haida language.

    Filmmaker: Ken Leslie

    Filmmaker Contact:


    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 20-03-2008

  • 3m 55s

    the Love you give

    uploaded by: Castille Troy

    chaîne: loveyougive

    Inuit, Metis, and First Nation Youth prevent violence and promote healthy equal relationships.

    Filmmaker Contact:


    www.loveyougive.org info@loveyougive.org

    Year of Production: 2009

    Distributor Information:


    Minwaashin Lodge - Aboriginal Women's Support Centre

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 21-01-2008