Alex Tesar


Portrait de Alex Tesar


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  • 19m 8s

    Aivilingmiut: The People of the Walrus

    uploaded by: Alex Tesar

    chaîne: Oceans North

    Aivilingmiut tells the story of the connections between the people of Salliq (Coral Harbour) and the walrus, showcasing the perspectives of community members and harvesters. The film was produced by Oceans North in partnership with the Aiviit Hunters and Trappers Organization. 


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    uploaded date: 29-08-2024

  • Oceans North

    uploaded by: Alex Tesar

    Oceans North supports marine conservation and climate action in partnership with Indigenous and coastal communities. Here you'll find stories about harvesters and communities who are passionate about celebrating their lands and sharing their knowledge. 

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    uploaded date: 19-08-2024

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