

Portrait de takulukjuk
My name is Tommy Akulukjuk, i am very new isuma.tv and will be just starting up my page. i will start posting videos and pictures and write a blog. i am originally from Pangnirtung. i have lived in ottawa for about 6 years. i have been living in Iqaluit since April of 2010.See more


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  • isumagijakka

    uploaded by: takulukjuk

    chaîne: Tarrijaassaq

    Qangatuinnaq ajjinngualiurunnaqqugut ammalu tarrijaassanit. tarrijaassanut tusaumatittiniq maannaujuq aturunnattiaqqavut uvagut nunalinginnit tusaumatittiniarluta. nunaligijavut tusaumaqatigiigiaqarngat inuuqativut isumaqsaqsiurunnaqullugit inuusinginnut attuajunut.

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 04-07-2010

  • 5m 29s

    The Gift - By Julie Alivaktuk

    uploaded by: Qajaaq Ellsworth

    chaîne: Inuusivut

    Julie Alivaktuk, of Pangnirtung, produced this short film, "The Gift".  She scripted, shot, edited and produced this silent film as part of Inuusivut training which took place at a camp outside of Pangnirtung July, 2009.

    Filmmaker: Inuusivut

    Filmmaker Contact:



    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 12-08-2009

  • Mosquito Paradise

    uploaded by: Qajaaq Ellsworth

    chaîne: Inuusivut

    "Mosquito Paradise" is produced by Jason, Sakiasi and Ryan, who participated in the 2009 Summer Youth Media Camp outside of Pangnirtung.

    Filmmaker: Inuusivut

    Filmmaker Contact:



    Producer's Name: Embrace Life Council

    Year of Production: 2009

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 28-07-2009

  • Lovely Grandchildren

    uploaded by: Qajaaq Ellsworth

    chaîne: Inuusivut

    Mavis Nakoolak of Coral Harbour produced this video: Lovely Grandchildren.  She expresses her disappointment with her parent's drug use, but remains hopeful for a healthy future for her, her baby and her family.

    Filmmaker: Inuusivut

    Filmmaker Contact:



    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 16-07-2009

  • 8m 41s

    Patrick's Workshop Interviews

    uploaded by: Qajaaq Ellsworth

    chaîne: Inuusivut

    Patrick Pingushat of Arviat produced this short video, interviewing participants of the Kivalliq Inuusivut Multimedia workshops, July 2009.

    Filmmaker: Inuusivut

    Filmmaker Contact:



    Producer's Name: Embrace Life Council

    Year of Production: 2009

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 16-07-2009

  • Friends keep our hearts

    uploaded by: Qajaaq Ellsworth

    chaîne: Inuusivut

    Dorothy Anoee of Arviat participated in the Regional multimedia workshop in Rankin Inlet from July 6-12, 2009.  "Friends keep our hearts" is her slideshow/video project, about FRIENDSHIP.

    Filmmaker: Inuusivut

    Filmmaker Contact:



    Producer's Name: Embrace Life Council

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 13-07-2009

  • 4m 5s

    Some way through this

    uploaded by: Qajaaq Ellsworth

    chaîne: Inuusivut

    Youth from across the Kivalliq gather in Rankin Inlet July 6-12, 2009 to participate in multi-media workshops. Each of the youth participants completed a photo slideshow or video project.

    This video was produced by Inuksuk Tagalik, using animation, photos, music and video editing.

    Filmmaker: Inuusivut

    Filmmaker Contact:


    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 12-07-2009

  • 2m 43s

    Cynthia n her bright shoes

    uploaded by: Qajaaq Ellsworth

    chaîne: Inuusivut

    Youth from across the Kivalliq gather in Rankin Inlet to participate in a multi-media workshop.  Each of the youth participants completed a photo slideshow or video project.

    This video was produced by Cynthia Suluk.  The video is out to my dear friend Magen... Thanks to her I got bright shoes:) Thanks for watching My Clips.

    Filmmaker: Inuusivut

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 12-07-2009

  • Rankin Inlet 09 Slideshow 2

    uploaded by: Qajaaq Ellsworth

    chaîne: Inuusivut

    Youth from across the Kivalliq gather in Rankin Inlet July 6-12, 2009 to participate in a multi-media workshop, learning skills in photography and film production.  This slideshow includes photographs taken by participants on the second day.

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 09-07-2009

  • Rankin Inlet 09 Slideshow 1

    uploaded by: Qajaaq Ellsworth

    chaîne: Inuusivut

    Youth from across the Kivalliq gather in Rankin Inlet July 6-12, 2009 o participate in a multi-media workshop, learning skills in photography and film production.  This slideshow includes photographs taken by participants on the first day.

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 09-07-2009

  • Donate

    uploaded by: Qajaaq Ellsworth

    chaîne: Inuusivut

    Volunteer Donate Contribute Share Help

    The Inuusivut project operates thanks to a 2.5 year (ending March, 2010) contribution from Health Canada’s First Nations & Inuit Health Branch. Funding is also raised through other sources on a project by project basis to cover project expenses.

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 30-06-2009

  • Partners

    uploaded by: Qajaaq Ellsworth

    chaîne: Inuusivut

    Partners and supporters of Inuusivut

    Inuusivut partners provide direction, feedback and support to the project, ensuring its success.

    Embrace Life Council

    The Embrace Life Council is administering the Inuusivut Project.  Established in 2003, the Embrace Life Council works to support and encourage Nunavummiut to value life.

    En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 30-06-2009

  • Inuusivut

    uploaded by: Qajaaq Ellsworth

    The Inuusivut Project is a national initiative of the Embrace Life Council and the National Inuit Youth Council. The primary objective of the project is to learn, document and share - through a variety of multi-media techniques - how Inuit perceive, express, develop, foster and promote mental health.… En savoir plus

    uploaded date: 04-02-2010