"Monty" part 2

  • The left side of the picture
  • the right side of the picture
  • Monty is on the right in this photo.
  • About 20 barrels and even more large wooden boxes in the background. The frame of a house is just being erected in the far background. Two men are up on the frame. In the foreground are three white men. One man is in a suit and tie with a sweater underneath his suitcoat. Another man is in a commercial sailor cap and suit. The largest man has a pipe in his mouth and is wearing a peak cap and high boots.
  • Some large hand lettering is visible on the barrels: Clyde, Clyde #247. One of the barrels has printed identification starting with "Imperial Oil". One of the flags on the pole is American.. (Y-6)
  • Initially, there was barely visible writing on the building at the far right. Examination with a printer’s loop revealed that this was the RCAF Air Base "B" at Nottingham. At the base of a low rocky hill, four frame buildings. A flagpole and two tents in the mid-ground. In the foreground, a large crate, some of the printed lettering: A.F. Shed 22 OT Halifax, NS HS. People and barrels near building on right. (T-17)
  • Three young white men, the middle one partly sitting on the shoulder of a young native woman while being supported on the other side by one of his friends. Man at top is also in photos M8, M8, M10. Is the middle man the same individual as in photo W3? "Randy" again at the upper left? (W-2)
  • Three white men surrounded by Inuit adults and children. One of the native women is wearing a (Air Force?) cap. Monty is in front and looking back over his shoulder. (W-3)
  • Two white men and six native women and a child posing for the camera. Monty has gone from a kneeling position in front to the back. (W-4
  • White man standing beside an Inuit woman who is (pretending to?) fire a rifle. This may be the same woman as in S7. It could be the same shawl. A child standing behind her?(W-6)
  • The second from the left is Monty.
  • Two sailing boats docked by a two-storey white frame building. The small white boat has identification on the side: "Lady ____". The second word has four letters. It could be "Byng". Lady Byng would be the wife of one of the Governors-General in the late 20's. Hills in the background. Moderately snowy environment. The Lady Byng trophy is given in the National Hockey League for Sportmanlike Behavior. (Y-1)
  • Photo seems to be the same occasion as Y1-279. This is taken from another perspective. Small white church in the middle foreground. Other buildings visible in the far background. The position of the boat may have changed somewhat. (Y-2)
  • A bay with several large and small boats (around 10). Visible on the edge of the water are several houses (around 10 on the right side and, further away on the left bank, about a dozen buildings. This picture was either taken from the air or from a distance up a hillside. (Y-5)
  • A large cove. Buildings at some distance. Next to one of those buildings, there seems to be a structure with similar dimensions to a boxcar, although it tilts uphill somewhat. Close and midground, there seems to be a large pole - similar to that in photo S1. (Y-4)
  • Monty and a native woman (Ee-ma?) kneeling with two dogs. The dog on the right might be Peveril. He is more of a solid black and short haired. Hazel wonders if he does not have too much white on his front to be Peveril. However, the young woman with Monty may have been one of their housekeepers. She was the most frequently photographed (N19, N20, N21 and background in N16, N17, N18 and also S7). And Peveril was a house dog, in the house where Monty and Big Nick lived.
  • Two men with fishing rods and a large catch by the bank of a river. Handwritten on the back of the photo: "25-24: A big fish story". To my friend "Monty of the Mounted" with kindest regards and the hope that we may soon meet again. Sincerely, LM Waugh. Port Burwell, Ungava, 12 August 1927. (Y-7) (Dr. Waugh's stamp is on at least one other photo in this series. Hazel and Monty had later contact with him in New York State (?)
  • Monty is standing with a white man in an Inuit parka on board ship. The same man appears in the next seven pictures. We will call him "Adam". He is in native clothing. The deck looks wintry and we think Monty returned south in late January of 1929.
  • Monty's trip to Burwell from Montreal had taken thirteen days (North to Adventure, p.41) so he arrived near the end of July 1926. He and "Big Nick" were to spend the next nine hundred and seventeen days together at Burwell. This is roughly two years and six months. So he would have returned south near the end of January, 1929. After being checked out in hospital in Montreal he returned to Regina where he and Hazel were married on April 3rd of that year. (M-29)
  • Adam (see note on M-29) (continuation of previous note: Return Trip from Port Burwell to Montreal on the CGS Montcalm - November 1928. Ren's information (http://pinetreeline.org) may be correct. We have differing information in several places.)
  • Monty brought Arctic clothing and artifacts home which he used in his speaking tours. Is "Adam" modeling Monty's new clothes? Why isn't Monty modeling?
  • "Adam" and "Bryl". If this is "Bryl", then he is on both the trip up to Burwell and on the trip back to Montreal. (See note on M29-35 and M18-321). (M-34)
  • under the life-boat. Three men in a huddle, talking on board ship. One is in native furs, "Adam"? The one on the right is probably Monty. (M-36)

À propos

04 avril 2011


 Continuing  from "Sydney Montague RCMP" with photos from Port Burwell (Killinek Island), the eastern Arctic, 1926-29. Sydney ("Monty") Montague went up as a 23-year-old Mountie. He was born in Montreal, 1903, and died in Los Angeles, 1972.  His widow, Hazel, had been born in Owen Sound, Ontario, and met Monty when he was training in Regina. Her family had moved there after World War 1. She died in Los Angeles in 2007 at the age of 102.

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