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33m 43s MrQ-SummerCampAugust2004_Tape_no_6 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik Qulitalik Family camping, Paul Dylan's first caribou catch on his 9th Birthday… En savoir plus
29m 21s MrQ-SummerCampAugust2004_Tape_no_1 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik sopping to have tea (tulaktuut)… En savoir plus
16m 52s Kingulliit_MRQ54_H264_deinterlace_640x480 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik fishing nets (mattitaqtut)… En savoir plus
50m 40s Kingulliit_MRQ56_H264_deinterlace_640x360 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik elders learing about what Ataguttaaluk did with Rose Iqallijuq telling a story. conversations about shamanism… En savoir plus
29m 57s MrQ-SummerCampAugust2004_Tape_no_2 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik Qulitalik cutting up ugjjuk on an ice, it'll sound windy but a good video clip… En savoir plus
28m 20s Pauloosie Qulitalik Elders Teachings Tapes MRQ77 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik Pauloosie Qulitalik Elders Teachings Tapes MRQ77, Isuma, NITV.… En savoir plus
29m 6s Kingulliit_MRQ98_H264_deinterlace_640x480 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik Atanardjuat Crew going to Toronto International Film Festival.… En savoir plus
15m 13s MR.Q Tape 99 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik Elders Gather and talk about how couples can do well and better in their future… En savoir plus
34m 24s Kingulliit_MRQ50_H264_deinterlace_640x480 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik organizers come to igloolik to talk to youth to continue on what they do… En savoir plus
36m 33s Kingulliit_MRQ57_H264_deinterlace_640x360 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik Elders Gather and talk about what they used for hunting… En savoir plus
51m 40s Kingulliit_MRQ52_H264_deinterlace_640x480 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik Zacharias and parents camping… En savoir plus
51m 37s Kingulliit_MRQ90_H264_deinterlace_640x480 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik Elders gather and do a healing process, talking about what had happened… En savoir plus
26m 16s Kingulliit_MRQ68_H264_deinterlace_640x480 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik Elders gather at a camping site talking about how suicide rate has gone up since they were gathered to all live in one place (settlement of Igloolik).… En savoir plus
46m 39s Kingulliit_MRQ55_H264_deinterlace_640x360 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik Elders gather at isuma office telling all kinds of stories… En savoir plus
33m 6s MR.Q Tape 9 uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit chaîne: Qulitalik Qulitalik teaches how to bucher tuktu… En savoir plus