
Sinaa cover CD
anuraaqutug (wind) is a live recording from the May 2010 performance at the Festival International de Musique Actuelle de Victoriaville. It features Tanya with Jean Martin (percussion) and Jesse Zubot (violin, viola). Available from Les Disques Victo. Released October 2011


Sinaa cover CD
Auk / Blood was released in 2008 and won a Canadian Aboriginal Music Award. It was nominated for two Juno Awards; Best Aboriginal Recording and Best Instrumental Recording. It is available at leading music retailers or from TheRecordTent.com and Itunes.


Sinaa cover CD
Tagaq's 2005 solo release Sinaa (Edge in Inuktitut) is available at TheRecordTent.com and Itunes. Includes "Ancestors" with Bjork.


drawing resttraint nine cd cover
Tagaq appears on the soundtrack for Mathew Barney´s film Drawing Restraint Nine, where she sings on the song Pearl.


halloween cd cover
Tagaq participated in the benefit song
"Do They Know it's Halloween"
released by Vice recordings on October 11, 2005


medulla cd cover
Medulla - Bjork
Spain 2004


iluani cd cover
Iluani Erren
Tagaq, Oliver Schroer, Ugarte Anaiak
Recorded in Spain in 2003. Available for digital download at TheRecordTent.com

À propos

03 novembre 2009


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