Introducing images from soon to be volume I: Once I was Nothing. Poems from May, 1980 to Fall 1983

  • Covwer page
  • FIrst two pages
  • LAst two pages

À propos

29 juin 2019


 a introductory volume of a short bio of my backstory as a 60s scoop survivor leading me into my desire to start writing poems and songs before my SFU university years,

^5 pages in firtst volume

volume I: Once I was Nothing. Poems from May, 1980 to Fall 1983

It will be a series of my poems created at that time, with an intro to my backstory bringing me to Vancouver , 1980. A time which started my artistic journey in life.

Monday will be the start of volume two of the series
Volume II Then I was Something, songs from 1980 to 1983
then projected outline to follow
God willing (lol)
volume III Dam's Theatre plays for the Boards 1981 - 1987
volume IV Songs of my student years 1983- 1989
volume V Poems of my student years 1983 -1989
volume VI: Uprising Poems and Songs of Indigenous Resistance 1990 -2000
volume VII Indigenous Creations of the new Millennium 2001 - 2019

See more

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