The Adilson Krenak Family


The Krenak indigenous people have bravely resisted wars, religious indoctrination and persecution, as well as cruel cultural impositions. One of the surviving families is the Adilson Krenak, whose members are direct descendents of the Old Krenak warrior who gave his name to the Krenak people and whose son was Muin, a great leader known in Europe as Captain Muin. Muin's own child, Yako Krenak, was considered an enemy of the state because he fought for our territory and, as a result, was forced into exile to different locations throughout Brazil. He and his wife gave birth to Waldemar Adilson Krenak, who, like his father, suffered in the struggle for our traditional territory. Waldemar Krenak grew up watching his father fight for Krenak rights and, as time passed, he took over his father's place as a militant. He helped create the indigenous movement in the state of Minas Gerais where, through much struggle and difficulty, he began an administrative career with the federal government's FUNAI (National Indian Foundation). Through his work, he persisted in continuing the fight against the Brazilian government's impositions on the indigenous peoples within his jurisdiction. Waldemar, along with his wife, had three Krenak children: Shirley Adilson Krenak, Douglas Adilson Krenak and Geovani Adilson Krenak, all of who, because of their militant ancestors, continue their people's struggle.



12 February 2010

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