Using the Cree Language in Mathematics
Using the Cree Language in Mathematics
by Jessica Wesaquate and Andrea Rogers
Addition and Subtraction using Cree Numbers 1-10
Grade Level:
One / Two / Three
(Evergreen Curriculum):
Using the Cree language:
Students will be able to state the whole number sequence from one to
Students will be able to state the whole number that comes before a given number from one to ten.
Students will be able to recite the whole number names from a given number to any stated number using visual aids (use culturally appropriate pictures)
Students will be able to complete addition questions using Cree numbers one through ten.
Students will be able to complete subtraction questions using Cree numbers one through ten.
Students will be able to decipher odd and even numbers in a list of Cree numbers.
Students will be able to list the odd and even numbers in Cree from one through ten.
Students will be able to indicate odd and even numbers, as well as put them in a list.
Pre-requisite Knowledge:
counting, adding/subtracting, odd/even numbers
culturally appropriate visuals, questions on handout
Cree Numbers:
Introduction Activity:
You can practice counting from one to ten in Cree with your students. You can put the numbers on chart paper, on construction paper, make them into posters, make a number wall, etc. Be creative!
Have students recite from one number to another number using visuals. Some examples:
- From one boy/girl to seven boys/girls, incorporating diverse pictures of children, including Métis and Aboriginal children
- You can use a variety of other visuals, but it is essential the children be taught the background of the visual if you use something such as traditional regalia.
Adding and Subtracting Using the Cree Language:
Addition Questions:
Peyak + Peyak = __________
Niso + _________ = Newo
_________ + Tepakohp = Mitataht
Nisto + _________ = Kikamitataht
_________ + _________ = Niyanan
Tepakohp = _________ + Peyak
Create your own: _________ + _________ = _________
Subtraction Questions:
Niyanan - Newo = _________
Mitataht - _________ = Kikamitataht
_________ - Ayinanew = Niso
Kikamitataht - __________ = Tepakohp
_________ - Niso = Newo
_________ - _________ = Nisto
Peyak = _________ - __________________
Create your own _________ - _________ = _________
Exploring Odd and Even Numbers using the Cree language
Circle the odd numbers and underline the even numbers.
niso, niyanan, mitataht, tepakohp, peyak
List the odd numbers from one to ten in Cree: ________________________
List the even numbers from one to ten in Cree: _______________________
oral quiz, handout
Aboriginal Perspectives is supported by the University of Regina, the Imperial Oil Foundation, the Canadian Mathematical Society and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.