Climate Changed World


28 October 2013

8956 ḵing gan

Stories from a Climate Changed World

Sharing indigenous perspectives

A series of short videos produced by the  United Nations University, about the effects on climate change on indigenous communities in a variety of geographic regions.

The UNU generates and shares knowledge on issues relevant to the promotion of human security and development, particularly in the developing countries.

These videos were produced in collaboration with indigenous communities in Central Asia and the Pacific and the UNU-IAS Traditional Knowledge Initiative.

This work forms part of the on-going Indigenous Peoples Climate-Change Assessment with financial support from The Christensen Fund and also with support from the UNU-VIE PALM Project.

These stories are also showcased in the UNU's web magazine called Our World 2.0 that looks at the interconnected issues of climate change, peak oil, food security and biodiversity.

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