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10 March 2011

5518 ḵing gan


18h 45m 46s
  • 00:00 Documentaries | Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change

    Duration: 54m 7s

    This feature documentary takes viewers “on the land” with elders and hunters to explore the social and ecological impacts of a warming Arctic.  Directed by Zacharias Kunuk and reseacher/filmmaker Dr Ian Mauro.  





  • 00:54 Movie Night | Alianait (w/English subtitles)

    Duration: 1h 31m 12s

    ‘Alianait!’ is a peforming arts documentary celebrating the coming of age of Artcirq - a youth-focused, circus troupe founded in Igloolik that combines traditional Inuit cultural expression with modern circus techniques.







  • 02:25 Movie Night | Maana (Now)

    Duration: 6m 34s

    A young Inuk, acknowledging the global warming and its impacts on his community, intends to reduce drastically the energy consumption of his village.

    Filmmaker: Félix Pharand D.

    Filmmaker Contact: /

    Producer's Name: Guillaume Saladin / Artcirq

  • 02:31 Amazonia

    Duration: 34m 52s

    A youth oriented reflexion through video and interviews about the situation of 2 natives worlds, in 2 opposite geographic context, the Peruvian Amazonia and the Canadian high Arctic. Contrast and similitude...

    Filmmaker: Guillaume Saladin

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: artcirq

  • Duration: 35m 59s

    This rough draft is a preliminary video about the experience of Yamoussa Bangourra, African Dancer, acrobat juggler musician, coming to the high Arctic in the coldest period of the year, January, when the sun is not visible? Meeting the troup of Artcirq,

    Filmmaker: Guillaume Saladin

    Filmmaker Contact:


  • 03:42 Documentaries | All the way to Timbuktu

    Duration: 26m 57s

    All the way to Timbuktu.

    A documentary of the journey from the Arctic to Timbuktu, for the Festival au Desert. 10 young people, 6 from Igloolik, 2 from Iqaluit and 2 from france, meet in the sahara desert to perform in Bamako and Timbuktu, and give circus workshops to youth on the way.


  • Duration: 36m 14s

    On Baffin Island, two mountains of ore will be cut down at Mary River. Some residents of Igloolik react to this development : they worry that this industrial development will destroy their environment and the marine mammals as well as their culture and hunting life style.

  • Duration: 10m 36s

    This film documents the teamwork behind the feature "Before Tomorrow" produced by Igloolik Isuma Productions with Arnait Video Collective. Portraits of the art director and the co-directors of the film. 

    The Making of Before Tomorrow. By Carol Kunuk and Arnait Video Productions, 2008.  Inuktitut and English sub-titles.

  • 04:56 Movie Night | Before Tomorrow

    Duration: 1h 32m 23s

    Circa 1840. Two isolated families meet after many years. It is summer; a happy time to celebrate their reunion. Despite the joyful mood, Ningiuq, an old woman of strength and wisdom, cannot stop worrying. Is it the illness of her best friend, Kutuguk, who is preparing to die? Or is it the strange foreign object that Maniq, her favourite grandson, found on the beach?

  • 06:28 407

    Duration: 8m 48s

    407, Artcirq, Igloolik Isuma, NITV productions 2006, Producer Guillaume Saladin, Director Bruce Haulli. Inuktut w/English s-t.

  • 06:37 Movie Night | Issaittuq (Waterproof)

    Duration: 45m 7s

    This is a story about a young Inuk who lost his love. Using alcohol, he is trying to put the reality and the past behind, but the past keeps hunting him. One day he looses control of himself and starts beating a man who's walking on a street beside his house. Because of his violent act his been sentenced to go to an outpost camp for two months, a camp where a hunter is waiting for him.

  • 07:22 Documentaries | Ajainaa! (Almost!)

    Duration: 51m 23s

    Ajainaa! features Igloolik Elders discussing their views of contemporary Inuit life. Topics include the role of Inuit and "Southern" forms of education, survival strategies (such as how to save a drowning victim), and the differences between camp and settlement life. Written, produced, and performed by Isuma's Uqallangniq Elders Group.

  • 08:14 Documentaries | Kunuk Family Reunion

    Duration: 48m 2s

    In June 2003, Cannes prize-winner Zacharias Kunuk's family gathered at their traditional home camp site of Siuraajuk, to share stories and honor the ancestors who came before them: a wedding; a burial; messages from the past.

    **CLICK HERE to order on**

  • 09:02 Movie Night | Atanarjuat The Fast Runner

    Duration: 2h 41m 51s

    Inuit epic set in ancient Igloolik, Atanarjuat The Fast Runner is a life-threatening struggle of love, jealousy, murder and revenge between powerful natural and supernatural characters, Canada's first feature film written, produced, directed, and acted by Inuit. 2001 Camera d'or, Cannes Film Festival; Best Picture, 2002 Genie Awards; #1 Canadian Film of the Decade, Macleans, CTV.

  • 11:44 Inuktut Children's Programming | Qaujimaviit? Ep 3, Alianait!

    Duration: 2m 5s

    Qaujimaviit? is a series of short videos for learning or improving Inuktut language skills with Elder Peter Irniq.  Today's word:  Alianait!

    ISUMA: Qaujimaviit? Episode 3, Alianait (2 mins), Igloolik Isuma Productions 2009, Host Peter Irniq. Inuktut no subtitles.



  • 11:46 Inuktut Children's Programming | Qaujimaviit? Ep 2, Tukisiviit?

    Duration: 1m 48s

    Qaujimaviit? is a series of short videos for learning or improving Inuktut language skills with Elder Peter Irniq.

    ISUMA: Qaujimaviit? Episode 2, Tukisiviit? (2 mins), Igloolik Isuma Productions 2009, Host Peter Irniq. Inuktut no subtitles.


  • Duration: 42m 55s

    Funny, fascinating, behind the scenes view by Greenland filmmaker Kenneth Rasmussen.

  • 12:30 Movie Night | The Journals of Knud Rasmussen

    Duration: 1h 53m 8s

    With the powerful forces of a new century pressing in around them, Danish explorer and scientist Knud Rasmussen visits the isolated camp of the great Iglulik shaman, Aua.

    The Journals of Knud Rasmussen, by Zacharias Kunuk and Norman Cohn, 112 mins. 2005. Second feature in The Fast Runner Trilogy. 

  • 14:24 Movie Night | Saputi (Fish Traps)

    Duration: 30m 35s

    As summer ends near Igloolik in the 1930's, three families build a saputi to trap fish going upriver for the winter. The days are getting shorter and young people daydream, while waiting for fish to come. But nature is not always predictable....



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  • 14:54 Movie Night | Nunaqpa (Going Inland)

    Duration: 58m 16s

    Nunaqpa is the second Isuma recreated fiction, filmed with actors in 1990 recreating a Summer caribou hunt in the 1930's. For Igloolik Inuit, it is the time of Nunaqpa, 'going inland,' the long walk in search of summer-fat caribou to catch enough meat for the hard winter ahead. Two families leave for the hunt, while the old couple and grandmother wait by the shore for their return.

  • 15:53 Documentaries | Nanugiurutiga (My First Polar Bear)

    Duration: 48m 15s

    **CLICK HERE to order on**

    Nanugiurutiga (My First Polar Bear), Igloolik Isuma Productions 2000, Director Zacharias Kunuk. Inuktut w/English s-t.

  • 16:41 Perspectives | Unakuluk (Dear Little One)

    Duration: 46m 22s

    Rooted in tradition, adoption is a reality that all Inuit families have experienced. In Inuit culture, adopting a child from a relative, friend or acquaintance is a common practice. Marie-Hélène Cousineau, the adoptive mother of Alexandre Apak, lived in Igloolik, a small island southwest of Baffin Island in the Arctic, for many years.

  • Duration: 28m 51s

    DURATION: 29 min
    GENRE: Docu-drama
    FORMAT: Video (colour)
    LANGUAGE: Inuktitut, Eng/Fr s-t
    DIRECTORS: Mary Kunuk, Marie-Helene Cousineau
    PRODUCER: Arnait Video Productions
    SOUND: Pacome Qudlaut
    CAMERA: Marie Helene Cousineau

  • 17:56 Movie Night | Piujuk and Angutautuq

    Duration: 27m 10s

    Piujuk and Angutautuq, Arnait Video Productions 1994, Producers Madeline Ivalu, Susan Avingaq, Mary Kunuk and Marie-helene Cousineau. Inuktut w/English s-t. 

  • Duration: 22m 6s

    ARNAIT: Show Me on the Map Episode 2, People Can Stand Up (22 mins) Discussions on Aboriginal Lands, Arnait Video Productions 2010, Carol Kunnuk, Marie-Hélène Cousineau. Inuktut w/English s-t.

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