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01 April 2011

7158 ḵing gan

  • Duration: 4m 39s

    The Kathmandou Decalaration of Indigenous as read by Renchin Yonjan in Kathmandou, Nepal.

  • Duration: 36m 14s

    On Baffin Island, two mountains of ore will be cut down at Mary River. Some residents of Igloolik react to this development : they worry that this industrial development will destroy their environment and the marine mammals as well as their culture and hunting life style.

  • Duration: 22m 6s

    ARNAIT: Show Me on the Map Episode 2, People Can Stand Up (22 mins) Discussions on Aboriginal Lands, Arnait Video Productions 2010, Carol Kunnuk, Marie-Hélène Cousineau. Inuktut w/English s-t.

  • Duration: 29m 31s

    Qitdlassuaq Part 1, Igloolik Isuma Productions, IBC, 1987. Director Paul Apak Angilirq. Inuktut.

  • Duration: 29m 20s

    Qitdlassuaq Part 2, Igloolik Isuma Productions, IBC, 1987. Director Paul Apak Angilirq. Inuktut.

  • Duration: 29m 20s

    Qitdlassuaq Part 3, Igloolik Isuma Productions, IBC, 1987. Director Paul Apak Angilirq. Inuktut.

  • Duration: 29m 20s

    Qitdlassuaq Part 4, Igloolik Isuma Productions, IBC, 1987. Director Paul Apak Angilirq. Inuktut.

  • Duration: 29m 20s

    Qitdlassuaq Part 5, Igloolik Isuma Productions, IBC, 1987. Director Paul Apak Angilirq. Inuktut.

  • 03:29 Documentaries | Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change

    Duration: 54m 7s

    This feature documentary takes viewers “on the land” with elders and hunters to explore the social and ecological impacts of a warming Arctic.  Directed by Zacharias Kunuk and reseacher/filmmaker Dr Ian Mauro.  





  • Duration: 10m 36s

    This film documents the teamwork behind the feature "Before Tomorrow" produced by Igloolik Isuma Productions with Arnait Video Collective. Portraits of the art director and the co-directors of the film. 

    The Making of Before Tomorrow. By Carol Kunuk and Arnait Video Productions, 2008.  Inuktitut and English sub-titles.

  • Duration: 5m 58s

     ‎"Child of two lands". A new Fiction/ Animation/ Documentary project by David Kinsella.
    The project is in production at present and finished late 2011.
    The original pilot film has 316 000 views, and can be watched on:-

  • 04:40 Angel Street

    Duration: 4m 28s

  • 04:45 Artcirq

    Duration: 50m 37s

    **CLICK HERE to order DVD on**


  • 05:35 Movie Night | Alianait (w/English subtitles)

    Duration: 1h 31m 12s

    ‘Alianait!’ is a peforming arts documentary celebrating the coming of age of Artcirq - a youth-focused, circus troupe founded in Igloolik that combines traditional Inuit cultural expression with modern circus techniques.







  • Duration: 15m 23s

    Synopsis:Video montage of a presentation by Artcirq and Arnait in Talea de Castro, Oaxaca, March 2009. On the public place, Artcirq performed for the kids of the town, they laugh and participated, throat singing with Lucy Tulugarjuk. The film "Before Tomorrow" was presented on the wall outside, using a sheet as a screen. After there was a question and answer period.

  • 07:22 Movie Night | Artcirq Expedition 2009

    Duration: 1h 8m 56s

    The Artcirq Youth Group from Igloolik, Nunavut, take on an extraordinary adventure : over 20 people travel from Igloolik to Pond Inlet and Clyde River by skidoo to perform their unique Inuit circus show.

    Directed by Derek Aqqiaruq. Produced by Artcirq (2010)

  • 08:31 Documentaries | All the way to Timbuktu

    Duration: 26m 57s

    All the way to Timbuktu.

    A documentary of the journey from the Arctic to Timbuktu, for the Festival au Desert. 10 young people, 6 from Igloolik, 2 from Iqaluit and 2 from france, meet in the sahara desert to perform in Bamako and Timbuktu, and give circus workshops to youth on the way.


  • 08:58 Amazonia

    Duration: 34m 52s

    A youth oriented reflexion through video and interviews about the situation of 2 natives worlds, in 2 opposite geographic context, the Peruvian Amazonia and the Canadian high Arctic. Contrast and similitude...

    Filmmaker: Guillaume Saladin

    Filmmaker Contact:


    Producer's Name: artcirq

  • 09:33 Documentaries | Nanugiurutiga (My First Polar Bear)

    Duration: 48m 15s

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    Nanugiurutiga (My First Polar Bear), Igloolik Isuma Productions 2000, Director Zacharias Kunuk. Inuktut w/English s-t.

  • 10:21 Documentaries | Ajainaa! (Almost!)

    Duration: 51m 23s

    Ajainaa! features Igloolik Elders discussing their views of contemporary Inuit life. Topics include the role of Inuit and "Southern" forms of education, survival strategies (such as how to save a drowning victim), and the differences between camp and settlement life. Written, produced, and performed by Isuma's Uqallangniq Elders Group.

  • 11:12 Documentaries | Nipi (Voice)

    Duration: 50m 45s

    Rapid change from traditional to modern life in Nunavut, like many post-colonial societies, has concentrated power, wealth and information in a few hands.

  • 12:03 Shorts | Inuusivut

    Duration: 10m 41s

    This is the first music video clip ever made in Igloolik, with the band "Eskiez", a very nice inspiration for all other musicians in town!! Other music video clips are on the way.

    Filmmaker: Guillaume Saladin and Derek Aqqiaquq

    Filmmaker Contact:


  • Duration: 35m 59s

    This rough draft is a preliminary video about the experience of Yamoussa Bangourra, African Dancer, acrobat juggler musician, coming to the high Arctic in the coldest period of the year, January, when the sun is not visible? Meeting the troup of Artcirq,

    Filmmaker: Guillaume Saladin

    Filmmaker Contact:


  • 12:50 Documentaries | Exile Nutaunikut

    Duration: 48m 16s

    In 1953, Inuit families were forcibly relocated to the uninhabited and inhospitable high arctic, 1500 kilometres north of their traditional homeland of Nunavik, in northern Québec, to extend Canadian claims of sovereignty to Ellesmere Island. Inuit endured families torn apart and many years of hardship.

  • 13:38 Perspectives | Unakuluk (Dear Little One)

    Duration: 46m 22s

    Rooted in tradition, adoption is a reality that all Inuit families have experienced. In Inuit culture, adopting a child from a relative, friend or acquaintance is a common practice. Marie-Hélène Cousineau, the adoptive mother of Alexandre Apak, lived in Igloolik, a small island southwest of Baffin Island in the Arctic, for many years.

  • Duration: 53m 45s

    DURATION: 52 min.
    GENRE: documentary
    FORMAT: video, colour
    LANGUAGE: Inuktitut, Fr-Eng st
    DIRECTORS: Mary Kunuk, Marie-Hélène Cousineau
    PRODUCERS: Mary Kunuk, Marie-Helene Cousineau

  • Duration: 28m 51s

    DURATION: 29 min
    GENRE: Docu-drama
    FORMAT: Video (colour)
    LANGUAGE: Inuktitut, Eng/Fr s-t
    DIRECTORS: Mary Kunuk, Marie-Helene Cousineau
    PRODUCER: Arnait Video Productions
    SOUND: Pacome Qudlaut
    CAMERA: Marie Helene Cousineau

  • 15:47 Documentaries | Unikausiq (Stories)

    Duration: 4m 54s

    DURATION: 6 min
    GENRE: Computer animation
    FORMAT: Video (colour)
    LANGUAGE: Inuktitut Eng/Fr st.
    CAST/PERFORMERS: Madeline Ivalu
    DIRECTOR: Mary Kunuk
    PRODUCER: Arnait Video Collective

  • Duration: 4m 42s

    Arnait Video Presents: Aqtuqsi (The Nightmare), Arnait Video Productions 1996, Director Mary Kunuk. Inuktut no subtitles.

  • 15:57 Perspectives | Arnait Video Presents: Umiaq

    Duration: 26m 43s

    A documentary about a group of elders in Igloolik, who decide to build an umiaq, a boat covered with seal skins

    Arnait Video Presents: Umiaq, Arnait Video Productions 2007, filmmakers Madeline Ivalu, Carol Kunnuk.

    In Inuktitut with Eng s-t.

  • 16:23 Documentaries | Northern Haze

    Duration: 8m 36s


    Filmmaker:Carol Kunnuk

    Contact:Norhern Haze

    Producer:  Carol Kunnuk and Derek Aqqiaruq

    Year of Production:2009

    Distributor Information: Igloolik Isuma production

    Country: Igloolik

  • Duration: 42m 55s

    Funny, fascinating, behind the scenes view by Greenland filmmaker Kenneth Rasmussen.

  • 17:15 Movie Night | The Journals of Knud Rasmussen

    Duration: 1h 53m 8s

    With the powerful forces of a new century pressing in around them, Danish explorer and scientist Knud Rasmussen visits the isolated camp of the great Iglulik shaman, Aua.

    The Journals of Knud Rasmussen, by Zacharias Kunuk and Norman Cohn, 112 mins. 2005. Second feature in The Fast Runner Trilogy. 

  • 19:08 Shorts | Tungijuq (What We Eat)

    Duration: 7m 23s

    Tungijuq (What We Eat), Isuma, Kunuk Cohn Productions 2009, Producer Stephane Rituit, Felix Lajeunesse, Paul Raphael, Zacharias Kunuk. Inuktut.

    Inuit jazz throat-singer Tanya Tagaq, and Cannes-winning filmmaker Zacharias Kunuk, talk back to Brigitte Bardot and anti-sealhunting lobby on the eternal reality of hunting.

  • 19:15 Movie Night | Maana (Now)

    Duration: 6m 34s

    A young Inuk, acknowledging the global warming and its impacts on his community, intends to reduce drastically the energy consumption of his village.

    Filmmaker: Félix Pharand D.

    Filmmaker Contact: /

    Producer's Name: Guillaume Saladin / Artcirq

  • 19:22 407

    Duration: 8m 48s

    407, Artcirq, Igloolik Isuma, NITV productions 2006, Producer Guillaume Saladin, Director Bruce Haulli. Inuktut w/English s-t.

  • 19:31 Movie Night | Issaittuq (Waterproof)

    Duration: 45m 7s

    This is a story about a young Inuk who lost his love. Using alcohol, he is trying to put the reality and the past behind, but the past keeps hunting him. One day he looses control of himself and starts beating a man who's walking on a street beside his house. Because of his violent act his been sentenced to go to an outpost camp for two months, a camp where a hunter is waiting for him.

  • Duration: 2m 48s

    Trailer of the first Inuit feature film Atanarjuat The Fast Runner, a life-threatening struggle of love, jealousy, murder and revenge between powerful natural and supernatural characters set in ancient Igloolik. Watch this complete film on iTunes.

     More about Atanarjuat  


  • Duration: 28m 52s

    In Qimuksik (Dog Team) one family travels in the immense and beautiful arctic during spring. Inuaraq teaches his young son how to survive in the old way: driving the dogs, building the igloo, catching seals on the open water, running down caribou to feed the family.    

  • 20:48 Nunavut (Our Land) | Nunavut (Our Land) Episode 2: Avaja

    Duration: 28m 50s

    Inuaraq's family finally arrives at Avaja to a warm welcome. Yet, many changes have taken place. On the hill above the tents, they now find a wooden church and a priest. Sharing the fresh caribou feast, telling stories, Inuit are interrupted by the bell ringing. Inside the church the sermon is clear: Paul 4:22, 'Turn away from your old way of life.'

  • Duration: 28m 56s

    Igloolik, Fall 1945. Grandmother remembers the old way. In autumn 1945, five families build a stone house to prepare for the coming winter.

    Nunavut (Our Land) Episode 3: Qarmaq (Stone House), Igloolik Isuma Productions 1995, Filmmakers: Zacharias Kunuk, Norman Cohn, Pauloosie Qulitalik. Inuktut w/Eng s-t.

  • Duration: 28m 55s

    Igloolik, Fall 1945. Even here, news of the terrible world war raging outside makes people frightened and uneasy. They talk of the danger of the unknown future, of shamanistic intervention to protect their culture.

  • Duration: 28m 56s

    Igloolik, Fall 1945. Akkitiq wakes up to a nice day for seal hunting. The stone house is warm and comfortable. Men pack up the dog team and look for seals on the fresh ice,while women work at home. Sometimes, the squabbling of children leads to trouble among families.

  • Duration: 28m 50s

    Igloolik, Spring 1946. It is the season of never-ending days. Two dog teams searching the spring ice, men and boys hunting day and night. Seals are everywhere: at the breathing holes, sleeping under the warm sun. Amachlainuk has a lucky day.

  • Duration: 28m 54s

    Igloolik, Spring 1946. Seal pups: springtime delicacy, prized for their soft fur and tender meat. When the pups start coming out on the ice, even small children and grandmothers can hunt.

    Packed up to travel, the families move slowly over the wet ice, through lakes of fresh melting snow, hunting on the way. Finding the breathing holes is a joyful game for everyone.

  • Duration: 28m 50s

    Igloolik, Spring 1946. Inuaraq throws his bones at the river and finds the fish swimming back and forth. Back at the tent Qulitalik sends the young men out with fish spears to try their luck. The walk up the rushing river is exciting but treacherous. Fish are hiding. It's easy to fall in.


  • Duration: 28m 54s

    Igloolik, Summer 1946. The distant sound of the atookatookatook, the first gas engine to arrive in Igloolik, brings a surprise visitor to Qaisut, island of the walrus hunters. Father Qaukuluk arrives to study Inuit life, to dig in the ancient ruins and to see the hunt. When it's time to go hunting, Inuaraq thinks the Priest will bring bad luck but Qulitalik finally gives in.

  • 00:39 Nunavut (Our Land) | Nunavut (Our Land) Episode 10, Qaisut

    Duration: 28m 54s

    *CLICK HERE to order on**

    Nunavut (Our Land) Episode 10, Qaisut, Igloolik Isuma Productions 1995, Producers Zacharias Kunuk, Pauloosie Qulitalik, Norman Cohn. Inuktut w/English s-t. .

  • Duration: 28m 53s

    Igloolik, Fall 1945. Even here, news of the terrible world war raging outside makes people frightened and uneasy. They talk of the danger of the unknown future, of shamanistic intervention to protect their culture. The weather turns colder. With the north wind blowing, Inuaraq builds his sod house, while Qulitalik cuts the ice blocks for the porch.

  • Duration: 28m 51s

    Igloolik, Fall-Winter 1946. Sitting around the stone house carving a harpoon, Qulitalik starts talking about the year gone past. Everyone joins in with stories and laughter. Tea is boiling over the seal lamps, children playing on the caribou skin beds. Grandmother tells the old stories, everybody has a new one. Home is warm and cozy.

  • Duration: 28m 53s

    Igloolik, Fall-Winter 1946. It's almost a month since the sun disappeared. Back in the stone house everyone wakes up to Christmas Day. For Inuit in 1946, Christmas is a strange mix of ritual, some from the old life and some from the new.

  • 02:34 Documentaries | Kiviaq versus Canada

    Duration: 46m 50s

    Kiviaq's extraordinary life story bears testimony to the treatment Indigenous people of the Canadian Arctic have endured for generations due to the government's inhumane colonial policies.

  • Duration: 13m 58s

  • 03:35 Documentaries | Angakkuiit (Shaman Stories)

    Duration: 48m 3s

    Inuit memories and experiences of shamanism, and oral histories about the last shamans practicing in the region of Igloolik, Nunavut. Interviewees range from young people to elders and politicians, but they all share a belief that things happen, and that shamanism is still a living religion.

  • 04:23 Documentaries | Qallunajatut (Urban Inuk)

    Duration: 47m 5s

    Qallunajatut (Urban Inuk) follows the lives of three Inuit in Montreal over the course of one hot and humid summer.Only two generations ago Inuit lived in small, nomadic hunting camps scattered across the vast Arctic landscape.

  • 05:10 Documentaries | Arviq! (Bowhead!)

    Duration: 52m 32s

    In 1994, fulfilling the wish of 94 year-old Noah Piugattuk to taste whale-skin maqtaq once again before he passes away, a group of Igloolik hunters illegally catches a bowhead whale after years of government prohibition. This event which sparks a legal controversy, the hunters are charged, government policy is resisted, then changed..

  • 06:03 Documentaries | Nipi (Voice)

    Duration: 50m 45s

    Rapid change from traditional to modern life in Nunavut, like many post-colonial societies, has concentrated power, wealth and information in a few hands.

  • Duration: 49m 24s

    A group of Nunavut elders travel to five museums in North America to see and identify artifacts, tools and clothing collected from their Inuit ancestors.

    Inuit Piqutingit (What Belongs to Inuit), Igloolik Isuma Productions, Kivalliq Inuit Association 2009, Producers Bernadette Dean, Katarina Soukup, Zacharias Kunuk. English and Inuktut w/Eng s-t.


  • 07:43 Documentaries | Kunuk Family Reunion

    Duration: 48m 2s

    In June 2003, Cannes prize-winner Zacharias Kunuk's family gathered at their traditional home camp site of Siuraajuk, to share stories and honor the ancestors who came before them: a wedding; a burial; messages from the past.

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  • Duration: 55m 53s

  • Duration: 53m 41s

  • Duration: 32m 35s

    Synopsis: This film shows the inspiration, often related to belief in the supernatural, behind Inuit sculpture. The Inuit's approach to the work is to release the image the artist sees imprisoned in the rough stone. The film centres on an old legend about the carving of the image of a sea spirit to bring food to a hungry camp.

    Filmmaker: John Feeney

  • Duration: 37m 19s

    Synopsis: During the short Arctic summer on Baffin Island, the native Inuit enjoys four months of continuous daylight. But it is no time for relaxation, for provision must be made for the long, cold winter night ahead. In this film Idlouk, an Inuit hunter, tells of his life in this northern land.

  • Duration: 46m 10s

    Synopsis: On June 11 and 20, 1981, the Québec Provincial Police (QPP) raided Restigouche Reserve, Québec. This film provides a historical perspective on the issue, and documents, with newsclips, photographs and interviews, the two police raids.

  • 12:17 FOSTER CHILD

    Duration: 43m 9s

    Synopsis: At age thirty-five, Gil Cardinal searches for his natural family and an understanding of the circumstances that led to his coming into foster care as an infant. Foster Child is a documentary--unstaged and unrehearsed--about the process of that discovery, beginning with his fruitless attempt to see his own file.

  • Duration: 57m 18s

    Synopsis: A film about the three Conferences on the Constitutional Rights of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada (1983-84-85), focussing on the concept of self-government.

    Only available in English/Version anglaise seulement.

    Filmmaker: Maurice Bulbulian

    Contact: National Film Board of Canada

    Producer: National Film Board of Canada

  • Duration: 29m 40s

    Synopsis: At the 1956 gathering of the Blood Indians of Alberta, the exciting spectacle of the Sun Dance was captured on film for the first time.

  • Duration: 36m 43s

    Synopsis: A film report of the 1969 protest demonstration by Mohawk Indians of the St. Regis Reserve on the international bridge between Canada and the United States near Cornwall, Ontario.

  • Duration: 55m 17s

    Synopsis: This riveting documentary reveals how an educational dream became a bitter political battle over cultural differences.
  • Duration: 28m 51s

    IBC Qimaivvik 013, Elders teaching, Producers Sam Pudlat & Pacome Qulaut.

    Segment 1- Elders teaching.Segment 2- Drum dancers.

  • Duration: 3m 47s

    Two youth from Pangnirtung, Nunavut talk about their views on smoking, quitting smoking and the pressures youth face to start to smoke.

    Filmmaker: Video editing - Jake Hanna; Footage/Interviewer: Emily Karpik; Interviewees: Kelly Karpik, Danny Ishulutak

    Contact: Inuit Tuttarvingat, National Aboriginal Health Organization

  • Duration: 1m 35s

    "We Want Our Law To Stand. We Want To Teach Our Kids." Statement from Yindjibarndi Lawmen, Roger Solomon and Allan Jacob, about the unifying and nourishing power of traditional Law and culture. Excerpted from the feature documentary "Exile and The Kingdom".

  • Duration: 24m 8s

  • 16:57 Fish Spear

    Duration: 4m 35s

  • Duration: 11m 58s

  • Duration: 2m 45s

    We just finished a short film by Roselynn Akulukjuk called "Aputili?". The name of this cilmate change related piece aptly translates as  "Where's the snow?".

  • Duration: 11m 54s

    You ever want to hire a real-life soundtrack to follow you about? The Squeeze Box is a film-noir love poem about a hitman that hires a mute accordion player to follow him around and be his real-life soundtrack.

    Filmmaker: Shane Belcourt & Duane Murray

    Filmmaker Contact:


  • Duration: 23m 24s

    Los viajes del Cantador (Marakame Yeiyá-reiya) (The Chanter's Voyage) is a indigenous film project that tells the stories the jicareros - those who have a traditional responsibility in the huichol

  • Duration: 23m 3s

    Los viajes del Cantador (Marakame Yeiyá-reiya) (The Chanter's Voyage) is a indigenous film project that tells the stories the jicareros - those who have a traditional responsibility in the huichol

  • 18:15 Documentaries | Unikausiq (Stories)

    Duration: 4m 54s

    DURATION: 6 min
    GENRE: Computer animation
    FORMAT: Video (colour)
    LANGUAGE: Inuktitut Eng/Fr st.
    CAST/PERFORMERS: Madeline Ivalu
    DIRECTOR: Mary Kunuk
    PRODUCER: Arnait Video Collective

  • Duration: 10m 21s

    Women of the Arnait Video Collective reenact a traditional women's activity: the use of the qulliq. The qulliq is the seal oil lamp and stove of the old days, the only source of light and warmth. The women tell the story in words and songs as they install the qulliq in their igloo.


  • 18:30 Movie Night | Saputi (Fish Traps)

    Duration: 30m 35s

    As summer ends near Igloolik in the 1930's, three families build a saputi to trap fish going upriver for the winter. The days are getting shorter and young people daydream, while waiting for fish to come. But nature is not always predictable....



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  • Duration: 9m 12s

    I investigate the big city Stockholm from my perspective and in a sami way. I conduct the investigation with the purpose to learn new words. What do you call a skyscraper or a shopwindow or the concrete. How do you say: I am walking here on the pedestr

Ḵwaan sda: Pangnirtung Television