No to Enbridge Pipeline
I fully oppose this rammed thru go-ahead for the Gateway pipe construction. The propaganda machine is starting up and we must fight this with our last breath. IT can be another Oka issue, because like my good friend the late James Nicholas says, " I don't think the "Oka" situation will ever be resolved...whether you do anything for the native situation, the indian problem, or whether you do anything for it, however it's going to happen, ....It's a great show of force, the warrior blood....tribalism is the way to go, tribal, pagans you agree, do you agree or not?..." The late James Nicoholas, 7 Fires 4 U...Kitchi Manitou, 1994 -2004, James passed away 2007 I believe, God bless his soul. During the struggle to get funding for my film, James was always there to give me laugh, have good strong discussions on the issues affecting CDN 1st People, and of course reflect on the Oka crisis, its many manifestations that developed across time and space, and well, if he physically here today ( In the flesh)we would be continuing the same discourses and actions.To change the diapers of the ruling class, bring back the ancient ways to guide a people and bring about Lefty's Revolution, the notion that the people can unite over a common cause if our natural world depends on such unity. This is the times' James! The time to cross time and space, so all the energy of the good natural world can defeat this capitalistic force of evil. This evil sugar coated through business platitudes and non-compliance agreements or solutions. The world of paper, glass and steel will use everything plausible to seduce the moronic culture. The time is now to pray, to defend, to persuade, to alternate, and if we have to, fight, like the warriors, clansmothers and Elders of time past, times present, and times futures, For the children who will inherit Mother Earth, scars and all. Take up all that is require to defeat the enemy.