love letter no 2
slow motion on a 250 000 souls crowd
both arms up, pointing towards the sky
besides you, a young woman screams with anger
marching ahead of you; your friends that you lost
an ecstatic moment of wholeness
made you stop to contemplate
by the window of an old apartment
a 90 years old woman waves, looking down
just as she thought she have seen it all
she balances between gravity and smiles
at her sight, anger vanishes
you wish you would know
what she sees
what changes are occurring in you
you wish you could explain
the sensation driving you
the reason why, you still believe
and you find yourself
not alone
"There would be no human action
if there were no objective reality,
no world to be the "not i" of the person
and to challenge them;
just as there would be no human action
if human kind were not a "project",
if he or she were not able
to transcend himself or herself,
if one were not able to perceive reality
and understand it
in order to transform it."
fly away from the carrés rouges
exhausted by the weight on your shoulders
human race is heavy
when you carry it to the supermarket
on a tuesday morning
"what do we leave behind
when we cross a frontier
each moment seems split in two
melancholy for what is left behind
and the excitement of entering
a new land."
barely landed, a foot in the air still
hanging dry flowers on the walls
key for a new p.o box which the number
was written on the back of a graphic
for revolution
dr kulchyski, no capital letter
believes true Revolution
stands on the line between
collectivity and reflectivity
"believe in the revolutionary potential of
the natives and farm workers of Latin America
the problem of the Indian
is the problem of the land"
it was ours
until a land speculator forced us off
yes he brought the police
because he has lots of money
it was the land of the caribous
where we would go to hunt them
it's my family's cabin
my culture and my history
homeless in their own land
trying to live with dignity
that's what they call
to be politically correct
but we have no choice ?
pure bullshit
put your trust in knowledge
emotional wisdom
and sophisticated langages
what would America look like today
if left to tupac amaru and sedna's wills
but the europeans had gunpowder
and peregrine diamond promises jobs
but it's so dangerous
they don't care what party you belong to
from the Atacama desert
to the lush arctic
peru to nunavut
equator to the polar circle
1952 - 2012
che guevara and andrew nakashuk
"we are too few
to be divided
everything unites us
nothing separates us"
be careful quebec
the squares of tomorrow
may not be red
squared kms of mining
are more violent
than the streets of montreal
and revolution should not be an imitation;
it should be original and indigenous"
With the precious words of Jose Carlos Mariategui, Paulo Freire, Ernesto Guevara and Andrew Nakashuk*