Maui Film Festival

Maui Film Festival

Submission Deadline - All film submissions must be shipped prepaid and packed in proper containers to arrive at the MFF offices no later than their respective deadlines.

  • Regular Submission:
    Submissions postmarked AFTER January 1, 2009 and BEFORE March 1, 2009
  • Late Submission:
    Submissions postmarked AFTER March 1, 2009 and NO LATER than May 1, 2009

Definitions of Categories and Terms:
* Print Source - The company or representative that will be providing the film print to the festival. (This is not the film lab).
* International Sales Agent - The company or representative that is in charge of selling the film rights worldwide.

International Shipping Information
Film cassettes (or DVDs) sent from outside the United States must be accompanied by a commercial invoice (containing the film's title, run time, format (color or b&w), value of shipment and sender's name and address). Cassettes and DVDs should be marked "For Festival Screening Only."

Mailing Address for Postal Deliveries:
Maui Film Festival
P.O. Box 790669
Paia, HI 96779

Mailing Address for FedEx, UPS, etc. Deliveries:
Maui Film Festival
16 Baldwin Avenue, Second Floor
Paia, HI 96779
Telephone 808.579.9244
Fax 808.579.9552

Note: Please send submissions in non-fiber padded envelopes, as fiber-padded envelopes damage tapes and VCRs.

Completion Date - Films must have been completed no earlier than August 1, 2008.

Presentation - Selected films must be made available for Festival presentation in 35mm composite condition or be available on HDCam, digiBeta, Beta SP or digital format. (Please note format on page 1 of the entry form.) Films requiring dual projection (interlock) or 16mm projection will not be accepted.

Language - Foreign language films must be made available with the original language soundtrack and English Subtitles.

Prior Screenings - Entries may not publicly screen in Hawaii at another Festival or be broadcast anywhere in the U.S. before September 30, 2009.

Prior Submission - Films previously submitted to MFF will not be considered.

Additional Screenings - The Maui Film Festival reserves the right to host one complimentary additional screening of any 2009 Maui Film Festival at Wailea Audience Award and/or other Special Award winning film so long as such screening takes place prior to September 30, 2009.

Format - All films must be submitted on 1/2" VHS NTSC, PAL videotape or DVD format. All entries, as well as accompanying materials, will not be returned and will become the property of the Maui Film Festival.

Accompanying Materials - Please include a printed copy of the Official Entry Form with your submission tape or DVD. Incomplete entries will not be considered.

Special 10th Anniversary Early Submission Entry Fees:
*Submissions postmarked by December 31, 2008
$60 for any film 55+ minutes in length (rather than regular $75 fee). SAVE $15.
$30 for any film 54 minutes or less in length (rather than regular $40 fee). SAVE $10. -->

Regular Submission Entry Fees:
*Submissions postmarked AFTER January 1, 2009 and BEFORE March 1, 2009
$75 for any film 55+ minutes in length
$40 for any film 54 minutes or less in length

Late Submission Entry Fees:
*Submissions postmarked AFTER March 1, 2009 and NO LATER than May 1, 2009
$100 for any film 55+ minutes in length
$50 for any film 54 minutes or less in length


Payment - We will accept payment by Check, Money Order, Visa, MasterCard or American Express. Please make checks payable in U.S. funds to Maui Film Festival, Inc.

Entry Fee Waiver - The submission fee is waived for films that have 50% or more of the film footage shot in the State of Hawaii. No other waivers or exceptions will be granted. Please do not ask.

VHS Cassette/DVD Labeling - Preview Cassettes and DVDs must be labeled with the film title, running time and contact information (including name, address and phone number).

Receipt Acknowledgment - To receive acknowledgment of receipt of your entry, you must enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope or postcard with your submission.

Notification - Films selected for screening in all categories will be notified no later than May 17, 2009.

If a film is invited to participate, the film must be shipped prepaid, insured and packed in proper containers. The Maui Film Festival will be responsible for return shipping charges. The Maui Film Festival will not pay international shipping on US films.

The Maui Film Festival does not assume any liability for damage to prints due to improper containers or other circumstances beyond our control. All films in our possession must be insured against damage or loss while participating in the festival.

Materials - Materials of films selected for screening become the property of the Maui Film Festival and can be used to promote the Maui Film Festival at Wailea and the programs of the Maui Film Festival in all mediums including film, television, radio, print and the internet.

Maui Film Festival Homepage


22 January 2009

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submission deadline

Ḵwaan sda: Get Involved