Program: Qaggiq (“Gathering Place”) – is a current affairs program (refers to a large igloo built for the gathering of several families).
Producer: Iqaluit Inuit Broadcasting, Nunavut
Host: Rosie Simonfalvy
Segment 1: Minister of Fisheries and Oceans of Greenland explains their program on harvesting mammals. They export and sell some of the products from Greenland but face challenges similar to Nunavut.
Segment 2: Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) makes an announcement on a youth representative to sit on their board. ITK president Rosemary Kuptanan is interviewed and she explains the role of the new position.
Segment 3: Mayor Joe Kunuk of Iqaluit and Mayor Paul Kaludjak of Rankin Inlet respond to the call-in show about where the capital of Nunavut should be located.
Segment 4: Mangitaq (Qilipalik) Kelepalek is the chair of the Detox Center in Apex. He explains the reason for the centre’s name change.
The Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, established in Canada's territory of Nunavut, has been producing Inuit language video, by, for and about Inuit since 1981. This video is from their collection and has been made available on the Internet for your enjoyment through funding provided by the Government of Canada and the Government of Nunavut.