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Northern Artic Tour
In this tour two youth from the Artcirq group went along with the technician. They screened The Journals, talked about their experience with circus and video art to other youth, and gave some performances at the communities they visited.
Starting in 2006 Isuma developed the Indigenous Film Network (IFN), an initiative to expand feature film distribution by bringing aboriginal films through high-definition video projections to over 200 remote Inuit, First Nations, and other indigenous communities across Canada and internationally.
In its second phase, early 2007, IFN installed permanent high-definition projectors in selected communities; they use these cinema kits to screen their own family and community videos as well as films and documentaries in the IFN catalogue. IFN will harness emerging technology to establish a permanent indigenous film sector in some of the world’s most under-served regions.
Isuma Distribution International is the first distributor to address regional and racial inequalities in the film system. The failure to serve the remote north and other indigenous communities has been neglected by the mainstream film industry. IDI’s goal is to expand Canadian box office to Inuit, Metis, First Nations and other indigenous communities not served by conventional film distributors, and excluded from benefits of Canada’s heavily subsidized, taxpayer-supported film financing system.
Including indigenous audiences in fair access to films and other media advances several important core goals of government, business and Aboriginal political and economic development organizations. Some of these include: improving social justice, building Canadian audience, film industry reform, increasing economic opportunities, innovation in new information technologies and improving Canada’s Human Rights record in the eyes of the world.
Filmmaker: Solomon Uyarasuk
Filmmaker Contact: and
Producer's Name: IFN- Isuma
Year of Production: 2007
Distributor Information:
Country: Canada
Region: Nunavut