Interviews with Les Malazer at the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples

WCIP Interview with Les Malazar 1

  • 1. WCIP Interview with Les Malazar 1
    2m 8s
  • 2. WCIP Interview with Les Malazar 2
    3m 36s
  • 3. WCIP Interview with Les Malazar 3
    2m 18s
  • 4. WCIP Interview with Les Malazar 4
    4m 17s
  • 5. WCIP Interview with Les Malazar 5
    2m 32s
  • 6. WCIP Interview with Les Malazar 6
    2m 19s
  • 7. WCIP Interview with Les Malazar 7
  • 8. WCIP Interview with Les Malazar 8
    4m 7s
  • 9. WCIP Interview with Les Malazar 9
    2m 48s
  • 10. WCIP Interview with Les Malazar 10
    1m 16s


16 June 2015

6014 ḵing gan

Les Malazer discusses the preparation in the run up to the WCIP.

See more


2m 8s


Human Rights, indigenous, WCIP



Ḵwaan sda: World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (2014)