UN Invites Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change Project to COP-15

Zacharias and I are editing like crazy. We've got a tight deadline. The United Nations has invited us to have our work screen as part of COP-15, the international UN climate change meetings in Copenhagen. We will have a 15-minute trailer of our upcoming feature film screened as part of United Nations University's "Indigenous Voices on Climate Change Film Festival", at Denmark's National Museum, on December 10, 12 and 13th.

As part of our "Countdown to Copenhagen", please keep visiting our website, as we'll be pumping out the most cutting edge and up-to-date Inuit-focused climate change content the web has to offer. Next Thursday, between 8-10 PM, EST, Zacharias and I will be doing another "live editing session" during our call-in internet show, here on IsumaTV. Tell your friends. Tell everyone you know.

If you want to become a member of the Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change (IKCC) project, join up now, and each time we post something, you'll get an email in your inbox. See "my membership" to the right of the page. Spread the word.



27 November 2009

4631 ḵing gan

Ḵwaan sda: Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change