Louis Tapardjuk, letter of support

Letter of support to Zacharias Kunuk
From Louis Tapardjuk,
Minister of Culture, Language, Elders and Youth
Government of Nunavut

31, August 2008
Zacharias Kunuk, President
Igloolik Isuma Productions, Inc.
Igloolik Nunavut

Dear Mr. Kunuk,

In Pinasuaqtavut 2004-2009, opening comments by Premier Okalik; “Our Government is in its second mandate. It is a time that will be used to build a stronger cultural foundation based on Inuit societal values (ISV) and develop and expand our economy…” validated for Inuit their vision and expectations for our future based on Inuit’s desires and aspirations: in which Inuktitut language is the pivotal part of this foundation.

The Inuit language is among the only Aboriginal languages in Canada that has a chance of long term survival. But it is also at risk. According to 2006 federal census data and other research reports, its use in decline in the home, the workplace and the classroom.

I am delighted to see that Inuit are pioneers once again in using new technology to promote our unique culture and language. [isuma.tv] brings more Inuit Language content on demand than any other conventional aboriginal broadcaster in Canada. It also closes the gap betweens Inuit in Nunavut and from other Inuit circumpolar regions, as well as indigenous peoples from around the globe.

As Member of the Legislative Assembly for Nunavut, representing Amittuq Riding (Igloolik-Hall Beach), and Minister in the Nunavut Government, for Department of Cultural, Languages, Elders, and Youth, (CLEY), I feel that the protection and enhancement of Inuktitut is a responsibility to be shared by all. Be in the private or the public sector in all level of our daily life. With this, it is my pleasure to provide you a letter of support regarding the innovative and unique initiative [isuma.tv], an Internet television community network to strengthen the use of the Inuit Language online.

In this era of global communications, all level of governments and their agencies must take concrete actions to reverse the erosion of our Inuit Language, and ensure it will thrive beyond the next century.


Louis Tapardjuk,
Minister of Culture, Language, Elders and Youth
Government of Nunavut

Transcript of the original letter of support. Download original PDF letter at the Attached Files.


25 January 2009

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