
  • 10m 12s

    Ex-con straighten outs her life through sewing her Traditional Arts.

    uploaded by: Edaanet'e

    channel: Edaanet'e

    Released is a film about Karen Nicloux, a member of the Nacho Nyak Dun First Nations in Mayo, Yukon. For years Karen struggled with drug abuse. She was in and out of jail for drug dealing in the Yukon. On one of her stints in jail, she picked up a needle and thread and began sewing a butterfly sash/belt and hasn't stop sewing. 

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    uploaded date: 14-09-2018

  • 28m 56s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

     Program name: Takujuminaqtut


Producer: Rankin Inlet - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation

    Camera: Leo Subgut
Host: Josie Kusugak

    Segment 1: This is a 1992 conference on addictions, in particular, the addiction of sniffing gas fumes.

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    uploaded date: 08-03-2018

  • 28m 56s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2

    Program name: Takujuminaqtut / Takuyuminaqtut
    Producer: Rankin Inlet - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Leo Subgut
    Segment 1: A First Nations drummer and band from Alberta came to Rankin Inlet to talk about addictions.
    Segment 2: Joe Inukshuk and Paul Pissuk talk about their experience while being lost during a hunting trip. … Read more

    uploaded date: 26-02-2016

  • 29m 24s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2

    Program name: Uqausiksat
    Producer: Iqaluit – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Location: Iqaluit, Nunavut
    Host/Interviewer: Sarah Arnatsiaq

    Segment 1: In 1989, Meeka Nakashuk, the manager of the Housing Association in Iqaluit, talks about the allocation of housing and other housing issues.

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    uploaded date: 18-01-2016