Classic episodes from Nunatinni - a live culture, arts, news, and local events series broadcast daily in Igloolik from 1997 to 2005.
This episode includes Nunavut trade show, music, food, speeches, traditional Inuit games, awards and part one of short film based in Igloolik 1946 (invloving traditonal ways of life, dog teams, seal hunting, etc)… Read more
I am Samueli Ammaq. I live in Igloolik. Although I was born in Sangunaniq, I just say I’m from Igloolik. I am only recently of Igloolik, but I live here.
Prior to watching Qimuksik (Dog Team), students will complete a KWL Chart and will learn general information about Nunavut and the Inuit. Following the film, students will revisit their chart, adding any information they learned during the lesson. Students will then reflect on the film and illustrate a scene that they recall, complete with a brief description.
Sometimes there are true stories that you don't want to believe. Based on a true story from the city every Canadian loves to hate, "Pookums" is the re-telling of a dog sitting gone wrong. Sometimes all you can say is, well, I guess that's what life is like in the big city.