
  • 28m 54s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

    Producer: Kippinguijautiit (Things to Pass Time By): This show entertains the audience with funny and interesting stories on traditional and contemporary Inuit way of life. Kippingujautiit features northern musical talent and coverage of games and special events. Kippinguijautiit was the most popular Inuktitut language program from the audience survey conducted in 1992.… Read more

    uploaded date: 13-04-2019

  • 28m 54s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 2

    Program name: Takulauqsimajasi
    Producer: Iqaluit – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Abraham Tagalik

    Segment 1: Igloolik community members enjoy springtime camping and fishing outside of Igloolik at Avamartulikvik. Simon Quassa films this.

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    uploaded date: 15-01-2016

  • 2m 56s

    100 years Titanic - Musicians play the unfinished song

    uploaded by: Mhoch4

    channel: Mhoch4 - Die Fernsehagentur

    100 years ago the Titanic clashed with an iceberg and more than 1500 people died that night. Among them 8 musicians who played until the bitter end. But they were not able to finish their last song. 100 years later 8 musicians from the Konzerthaus Dortmund went to the same place the tragedy happened and finished the job of their famous forerunners.

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    uploaded date: 16-04-2012

  • 100 years Titanic - Musicians play the unfinished song

    uploaded by: Mhoch4

    channel: Mhoch4 - Die Fernsehagentur

    100 years ago the Titanic clashed with an iceberg and more than 1500 people died that night. Among them 8 musicians who played until the bitter end. But they were not able to finish their last song. 100 years later 8 musicians from the Konzerthaus Dortmund went to the same place the tragedy happened and finished the job of their famous forerunners.

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    uploaded date: 16-04-2012

  • 4m 38s


    uploaded by: kenleslie

    channel: haidawood

    This movie was made as part of the Haidawood Media Project over a two week period in the summer of 2007. Haidawood aims to make short stop motion animated movies with the help of Haida youth, artists, and language teachers, to help promote and teach the Haida language.

    Filmmaker: Ken Leslie

    Filmmaker Contact:


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    uploaded date: 20-03-2008