
  • 11m 25s


    uploaded by: Carol Kunnuk

    channel: Igloolik | ᐃᒡᓗᓕᒃ

    In 2009, Rachel Uyarasuk, elder of the Inuit community of Igloolik (Nunavut), evokes the ancestors whose name she received at birth. She explains how this transmission ensured their return among the world of the living.

    A film by Christin Merlhiot

    France, 2014, 11 minutes, animation

    Inuktitut with English & French subtitles

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    uploaded date: 14-04-2014

  • 1h 32m 8s

    I will Come Back As A BABY

    uploaded by: Carol Kunnuk

    channel: Igloolik | ᐃᒡᓗᓕᒃ

    Je reviendrai comme un enfant

    Actor Nasi Sayegh, a stranger in a foreign land, listens to stories of naming from the residents of the Arctic community of Igloolik, drawing a wonderful interrogation on identity.

    A film by Christian Merlhiot

    France, 2013, 92 minutes

    English & French Subtitles

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    uploaded date: 14-04-2014