
  • 28m 57s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC 3

    Program name: Takuginai: This is the premiere Aboriginal language program in North America directed at children. Takuginai is one of IBC's longest running, best known and most loved programs. The series features the likes of "Johnny" the lemming and other locally made puppets and young hosts.… Read more

    uploaded date: 21-09-2020

  • 28m 53s

    Ferguson Lake Part 3 _1986

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

    Ferguson Lake - Part 3

    Producer: Baker Lake Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Location: Baker Lake

    Segment 1: A family/elders from Baker Lake went out on the land to teach Inuit traditional ways of living. They describe what tools and equipment were used according to the way they lived before easier ways and tools were introduced.

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    uploaded date: 07-05-2015

  • 27m 59s

    BL-438 Ayagarmiut Pond Inlet People Carving

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

    Pond Inlet People Carving

    Producer: Pond Inlet TV (part of the Inukshuk Project)
    Location: Pond Inlet

    Segment 1: An interview with Arnatsiak, Qanguq, and Anaviapik about their carvings. Each carver has their own answers as to which tools and equipment are better to use.

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    uploaded date: 07-05-2015

  • 28m 17s

    Qaggimiut 8 - Caribou Skin Clothing - April 1989

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

    Caribou Skin Clothing – 1989

    Program name: Qaggimiut
    Producer: Baker Lake - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Michael Haqpi
    Location: Baker Lake

    Segment 1: The video gives information about caribou – Inuit relied heavily on caribou as their main source of food and of fur for clothing and for other things such as tents and bags, etc.

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    uploaded date: 06-05-2015

  • 11m 21s

    BL - 105 Land Program - 1979

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    channel: IBC

    Land Program

    Producer: Baker Lake – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Tianna
    Location: Baker Lake (Qamanittuaq)

    Segment 1: Elders teach young people how to prepare and sew caribou skins and how to use the tools.
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    uploaded date: 28-03-2015

  • 49m 24s

    Inuit Piqutingit (What Belongs to Inuit)

    uploaded by: Norman Cohn

    channel: Inuit Culture Education

    A group of Nunavut elders travel to five museums in North America to see and identify artifacts, tools and clothing collected from their Inuit ancestors.

    Inuit Piqutingit (What Belongs to Inuit), Igloolik Isuma Productions, Kivalliq Inuit Association 2009, Producers Bernadette Dean, Katarina Soukup, Zacharias Kunuk. English and Inuktut w/Eng s-t.


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    uploaded date: 10-05-2006