Zacharias Kunuk’s visit to Arviat (Nunavut) May 25 - 31, 2015

  • Ice fishing outside Arviat - Zacharias Kunuk
  • Gorgeous ice pack - Zacharias Kunuk
  • Taking video - Zacharias Kunuk
  • With the fish we caught - Zacharias Kunuk
  • Filming - Zacharias Kunuk
  • Zacharias Kunuk & hunting guide Billy Ukutak (Arviat middle school counsellor)


02 June 2015

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Meetings with Arviat Film Society (ArviatTV) and fishing at Maguse Lake, hunting guide Billy Ukutak, was an excellent guide, he made pancake breakfast for Zach, and hosted Zach and Eric Anoee (Arviat Film Society) in his cabin and took Zach to the hunting grounds. Zach caught Lake Trout, Arctic Char, and caribou. Billy has a lot of knowledge also especially traditional hunting and drumming. 

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Ḵwaan sda: Kingulliit Productions