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  • Melbourne International Film Festival

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Get Involved

    The Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) is an iconic Melbourne event. MIFF hosts a feast of cinematic delicacies from over 50 countries for nineteen days each Winter, heavily garnished with a range of parties and special events that cast a celebratory mood over the city.… Read more

    uploaded date: 22-01-2009

  • Melbourne International Film Festival

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Get Involved

    The Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) is an iconic Melbourne event. MIFF hosts a feast of cinematic delicacies from over 50 countries for nineteen days each Winter, heavily garnished with a range of parties and special events that cast a celebratory mood over the city.… Read more

    uploaded date: 22-01-2009

  • Maui Film Festival

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Get Involved

    Submission Deadline - All film submissions must be shipped prepaid and packed in proper containers to arrive at the MFF offices no later than their respective deadlines.

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    uploaded date: 22-01-2009

  • Indian Summer Festival

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Get Involved

    Indian Summer Festival is the brainchild of Butch Roberts, a Milwaukee Police Officer. In 1985, his dream was to have an American Indian Festival to add to the other ethnic festivals that were being held on the Summerfest grounds, Henry Maier Festival Park. Roberts recruited the Warren and DeNomie families to organize the event.… Read more

    uploaded date: 22-01-2009

  • Hot Docs

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Get Involved

    Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival is North America's largest documentary festival, conference and market. Each year, the Festival presents a selection of more than 150 cutting-edge documentaries from Canada and around the globe.… Read more

    uploaded date: 22-01-2009

  • Filmfest DC

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    channel: Get Involved

    25,000 people flocked to our screens to make Filmfest DC 2008 the largest film festival in Washington DC. In 2009 we are celebrating our 23rd year of bringing the best of world cinema and American independent film to the Washington, DC metropolitan area. The Festival will run from April 16th through 26th, 2009.

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    uploaded date: 22-01-2009