Trisha North


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  • 2m 21s

    Lil Disciples TV

    uploaded by: Trisha North

    channel: SlymSadiee

    It`s more of a short video than a film. Almost a blog. We were waiting for a Hummer to pick us up and drive us to a CD Release Party where Fresh IE`s new CD Lockjaw was being celebrated, I guess you can say. The concert was one for the books!

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    uploaded date: 22-04-2008

  • SlymSadiee

    uploaded by: Trisha North

    I`m just a young wanna be film maker, making videos about everyday life. =] I`m a rapper/songwriter in a recognized young hip hop group based out of Winnipeg. 4 out of 5 of us are aboriginal. Our music is positive & we reach out to the youth. I`ve t

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    uploaded date: 22-04-2008

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