Photo of the Running with Reindeer Video Installation (in the Red Runners Exhibition)


11 June 2010

6971 ḵing gan

Running with Reindeer is a video collage of personal memories and references. The film depicts “traveling” or “running” in many forms, both past and present. This short video is based on the artistic film practice of “recycled cinema” that uses a combination of original footage and fragments of archivally based footage such as newsreels and old films, which are then edited to tell a personal story. The “memories” are interspersed with clips of the creation of the sculpture “Gappa” (also found in the Red Runners exhibition). In this installation, the video is projected onto layers of semi-transparent fabric. The images move, and the fabric gently flutters, creating a "memory" or "dream-like" quality. This projection technique also references early film, when “ghost” images were created, through projections onto gauze, as part of magic lantern shows in the 1700’s.

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video installation reindeer




Toronto, ON, Canada

Ḵwaan sda: Mervi Salo