OurPlanetMatters's channel


08 December 2010

3679 ḵing gan

My name is Cory Ryder , and I am sure you and the rest who read this all know of the new phenominon in politics with "Green energy and Co-operation talks"? while political parties of all striffs talks about green energy and co-operation in a very narrow way ? they will not be able to describe it like I can ? its what lead to the talks and townhalls/tea party?

http://www.biblestudyspace.com/video/video/listForContributor?screenName=0jm1aukpxmebh this site has over 400 video's witch describes the various problems our world faces in the mannor of science fact, history and conspiracy not to mention faith and spirituality ? how about fixing the flaws in the system and setting it up for the lower classes/ less fortunate families and area's? my set up helps set this in motion?
Hello Representatives of the house, and to whom this could concern?
My name is Mr.Cory Ryder? as you all know we have up coming challenges that threaten planet,Life,& humanity as we know it? I.E resources, the various problems with Climate/Pollution, Food,Water? Basically the Government that is being made into a "One World Government" is being tested? now in 2008 my friend and I finalized 2 idea's I had to help Government,Business,U.N,Peaceful war efforts, local to Global for the sake of the Life and humanity on earth? As science tells us for exsampleI.E the earth started out with No Oxygen? now there was no life but multiple-cellular Molecules ? Meaning life out of chaos and hot springs? basically there is a cycle of oxygen and pollutions and various other factors? (Sorry *laugh out loud*=lol) long story short? its summer 08 and I listen to c-pac and politics and all they have to offer was a carbine tax? this was before the minni"Green tech/Teaparty" things occurred so after all you have been hearing from Governor general to this twitter and facebook "Social agenda"/media? there's other things like running out of resources IE. Natural and oil, solar flare's, other nature phanomenon ? Point is we can help or harm? why not choose to help?
1.Alternative Powered Farming Resources? by combining Solar and wind I have thought of a way to use these "Renewable's" more effeciently and Resourcefully for Population density sake (population will rise very high next 50-60 years?) this idea tackles Climate/Pollution,Energy,Poverty,& helps clean water too? and we thought it would help the "Lower classes" by cross-promoting with this idea and instead of bundle deal of internet,Cable,&phone? house power and car? we also suggested to do that with all insurances too and called it "Public options"? this Idea could have been helping Gulf Right now? anyways all you have heard about with digital networks and Capacity/Green technology and all the other way's Special interest groups talked about it ? this was the source of it?
2.Professional"Social Network"? okay so we know of "Social media" but if we take this to the "Next step" with regulations, and proper set ups it could help benefit People,Business,Government/U.N., agriculture agenda for middle east with the help of public and what not? and by seting it up properly the $400M people of facebook? they could pay a little fee and with the regulations and Governments help could be better set up for media, paying bills? Lord knows paypal and all them need some regulations? entertainment (downloads/local tv/Newspaper networks) is another
just by charging them with the rest of the bundles stuff and set up say 2 dollars or something can double that to 800m? and this could be a big help for ending "Extremism"/Al quida internationally? also help 3rd world countries/under developed? we sent these idea's and titled it OPM=Our Planet Matters you can find us on facebook(Created Nov 16/08) long before twitter hit the big scene and funny thing is its the same owners as facebook? emailed this to 200+Canadian House of commons Polliticians and One Mr.President (Elect at the Time) barrack Obama?

Thank you for your message‏
The White House - Presidential Correspondence (noreply-WHPC@whitehouse.gov)

March 23, 2009 11:24:18 AM


Dear Cory Ryder: Thank you for your recent note, and for sharing your thoughts with me. Your kind words echo the messages of millions of Americans who have welcomed me and my family to the White House with an outpouring of goodwill. On January 20th, Americans spoke with one voice, choosing hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord. Our Nation faces serious challenges, but we will overcome them if our imagination is joined to common purpose. Now is our time to work together, reaffirm our enduring spirit, and choose our better history. With your help, we will renew our Nation's promise to carry forth the great gift of freedom to future generations, as our forebears have delivered it to us.
Sincerely, Barack Obama
To be a part of our agenda for change, join us at www.WhiteHouse.gov



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  • 1h 3m 53s

    Ryder's-Documocumentry part 1

    uploaded by: OurPlanetMatters

    channel: OurPlanetMatters's channel

    research HAARP, NWO, Georgia guild stones, project camelot and avalon, history of "unexplianed" like area 51 and ufo scene? Freemason history/ connection to occult and "elitist" check out my other pages I dont have any video's here yet but for the most part they are all off of youtube and well explian's the need to knows about "occult" and new world order?

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    uploaded date: 08-12-2010

  • Our Planet Matters

    uploaded by: OurPlanetMatters

    channel: OurPlanetMatters's channel

    My name is Cory Ryder , and I am sure you and the rest who read this all know of the new phenominon in politics with "Green energy and Co-operation talks"? while political parties of all striffs talks about green energy and co-operation in a very narrow way ? they will not be able to describe it like I can ? its what lead to the talks and townhalls/tea party?
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    uploaded date: 08-12-2010