Songs for Earthly Creatures 2025


08 January 2025

305 ḵing gan

This is a link to these new songs of 2025, My intent is to work in each song adding tracks , then showing the process on each finished song. These songs are the first step XOXOX to all

Good Morning again. What does one do , when they are semi-retired? Creating, cleaning, cooking, walking, sleeping, excreting, entertaining, consuming, and crying. Not necessarily in that order lol. The earthly creatures that we are, some say "beast of the earth, I prefer a spirit travelling in an earthly avatar. Intentions for 2025, I will keep to myself. Lots of plans, as long as God takes the wheel and is first in line for acknowledgement and support. This site is for us earthly creatures that we are. waking up every day like our four legged friends, our winged friends and all life that begins each day through bird songs, the daily gift each day of dew, snow and water, as all nature interacts with the daily morning rise of the sun. How blessed we all are, even though bad things happen, it is not the Creator doing, Choices exists because of the freedom granted to all of us . Mistakes a many, the Creator still grants me a day to share moments of wonderment through the senses. I could not have reached these numbers without the Creator and the many people who listened to my songs. I thank God, and I thank you all


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As late Jimy SIdlar said to me many times "Music is the boss" Thank you Jimy for teaching me aspects of your craft XOXO. I also give thanks to the late Bill and Anne Bilan for getting me into music avec piano. I also have to acknowledge the music books of Sonny Terry & Brownie McGee, and Huddi Ledbelly, And most importantly God, my son and his mother who inspired me to continue my music and the songs I wrote for them. I also give thanks to my music teachers of my past. Donna MacLulan's near our childhood farm, The guitar teacher near Foster brother's Drug Story, Speedway Drugs in North West Edmonton, Wellington area. Voice Teacher Sylvia Holland, late Martin Bartlett, David Smukler, John Brough, Ping-Shan Liao, Ian Crutchley, Trevor Sanders and Deborah Rice and not my favorite as he gave me an F in 1983, David Macintyre lol Also to consider are all the music and vocal directors I rehearsed with in my dance and theatre career. Miigweech XOXOXO

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songs of Donald Morin

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