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Music With Anna Pingo
Host Margaret Noksana Elias welcomes Anna Pingo to the show. Anna plays a few of her original songs and shares some of the inspirations for those songs. LIVE on September 7th 2022, on the Tunnganarniq Show.
Anna Pingo was born in Inuvik and lives there to this day. Her mother is from Tuktoyaktuk and she is the eldest child of Ann Christine Omilgoituk and the late Charlie Kasook.
As far as she knows from the time she could talk she was able to sing. Her dad taught her how to play the guitar when she was about 12 or 3 years old.
She is a singer/songwriter and mainly sings country and gospel. She has written at least 7 original songs and is currently teaching in Inuvik at the East Three Secondary School.
Her family has always been known to play music…her mom is a singer and songwriter and her dad played in and old time fiddle and and guitar band known as “The Good Time Band”.
Her grandfather Stringer Kasook and his brothers used to provide music for dances as well.