

27 February 2016


Program name: Takujuminaqtut / Takuyuminaqtut
Producer: Rankin Inlet - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
Host: John Ajaruaq

Interviewer: Charlie Panigoniak
Interviewee: Jack Anawak
Location: Rankin Inlet
Segment 1: A cruise ship arrived in Rankin Inlet. Charlie Panigoniak interviews Jack Anawak who is one of the contacts for the cruise ship. Jack talks about where the tourists come from and what they are doing in communities.
Location: Chesterfield Inlet
Segment 2: The Keewatin Divisional Board of Education met in Chesterfield Inlet. They talk about educational issues. John Ajaruaq interviews board chair, John Tinashlu and Emiline Kowmak about the meeting.

Segment 3: At the Kivalliq Summer Games, youth compete doing the one-foot high kick.

The Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, established in Canada's territory of Nunavut, has been producing Inuit language video, by, for and about Inuit since 1981. This video is from their collection and has been made available on the Internet for your enjoyment through funding provided by the Government of Canada and the Government of Nunavut.

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