Cassandra Opikokew, Journalist

Cree, Canoe Lake Cree First Nation

As an Aboriginal student who attended both the First Nations University of Canada and the University of Regina School of Journalism, Cassandra Opikokew understands what is involved in becoming a Journalist. She graduated from the School of Journalism in the Spring of 2009, and is ready to use her skills to possibly pursue another degree. She understands the dynamics of both the Indian Communication Arts Program at FNUC and the School of Journalism. Cassandra talks about how she used her skills in both programs to get to where she is today and about how Aboriginal issues and voices are very important in the media.



Cassandra Opikokew's Blog

University of Regina: School of Journalism

First Nations University of Canada: Indian Communication Arts Program


Multimedia Content on IsumaTV (Video, Audio and Images).
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Link to: Cassandra Opikokew, Journalist

Lesson Plans

Download these lesson plans in PDF format. The accompanying educational documentaries can be watched in Full Screen on your computer or projected in the classroom.

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