Director, Producer, Co-Writer ZACHARIAS KUNUK, president of Igloolik Isuma Productions, was nine years old when his family gave up their nomadic lifestyle and settled in the new government town of Igloolik. In 1981, Kunuk sold three sculptures in Montreal and brought home the Arctic's first video camera to a community that did not yet have television. As a co-founder and creative member of the Igloolik Isuma Productions team, Kunuk's credits include the dramas "Qaggiq" (1989), "Nunaqpa" (1991) and "Saputi" (1993); the drama series "Nunavut" (1995); documentaries "Nipi" (Voice, 1999) and "Nanugiurutiga" (My First Polar Bear, 2001); and the internationally acclaimed feature film, "Atanarjuat The Fast Runner" (2000). Recipient of an Aboriginal Achievement Award in 2000 and a National Arts Award in 2001, Kunuk was chosen "The Globe and Mail's" Man of the Year in the Arts for 2002 and appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada. He still lives full time in Igloolik where he hunts as often as he can.
Director, Producer, Co-Writer, Director of Photography NORMAN COHN is secretary-treasurer of Igloolik Isuma Productions, Inc, and was also producer/cinematographer of "Atanarjuat". In addition to his role at Isuma, Cohn is secretary-treasurer and co-founder of Kunuk Cohn Productions. Cohn was a widely exhibited video artist before coming to Igloolik. His solo exhibition of sixteen videos, "Norman Cohn: Portraits", was presented in 1983-84 at the Art Gallery of Ontario, National Gallery of Canada, Vancouver Art Gallery and other Canadian museums; while the feature-length "Quartet for Deafblind" (1987) was selected for Dokumenta 7 in Kassel, Germany. Winner of three Canada Council Senior A Awards and a 1990 Guggenheim Fellowship.
Producer ELISE LUND LARSEN graduated from The Danish Filmschool as producer in the summer of 2003. Her graduation film "The Pact", directed by Heidi Maria Faisst, was selected for Cannes Film festival's official competition for Filmschool productions and the Sundance Film Festival's short film competition in 2004. At Bar, where she's been working since she left the Filmschool, Elise has produced "Max By Chance" and "Silk Road". Elise's experience with film production comprises almost all genres. She has worked with experimental film, educational film, features and documentaries and in different roles; as a producer, production manager or line producer.
Producer VIBEKE VOGEL joined Barok as a producer in 2000. She graduated from Institute for Film and Media Science at the University of Copenhagen in 1989. Until 1992 she was head of the Video Gallery in Copenhagen, running the permanent collection and organizing festivals and exhibitions. Since 1992 she has worked as producer and director within the field of creative documentary. Her work as director includes "Talk Like Whales" (1993, Golden Gate Award), "8 Minutes Grandma" (1998) and most recently "The Collectors" (2003). She was executive producer for the "Moving North" series that premiered in April 2003. In collaboration with Anne Wivel she has produced the body of documentary films, that Barok has released.
Artistic Director LOUIS UTTAK is a hunter and gatherer. He is involved with the Inullarit Elders Society in Igloolik. The Society teaches youth about traditional hunting skills, preparation of skins and sewing techniques during a camping trip out on the land every spring.
Costume Designer MICHELLINE AMMAQ is a mother and hunter who lived in an outpost camp for 15 years before moving to the settlement of Igloolik with her family. She was Assistant Costume Designer for the film "Atanarjuat The Fast Runner", and is now heading the costume design for "The Journals of Knud Rasmussen".
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