ImagineNATIVE Announces Website Launch

ImagineNATIVE Announces Website Launch

10th Anniversary
imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival
Presenting Sponsor CTVglobemedia
Website Launch - featuring programming details, ticket sales and locations

(Toronto - September 21, 2009) The imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, presented by CTVglobemedia, announces the launch of its 10th anniversary festival website, detailing all of this year's programming, events, and ticket information.   For all your festival information visit

In celebration of a decade of visionary filmmaking, imagineNATIVE is proud to present the Opening Night feature documentary, Reel Injun,  a powerful and uncompromising tribute to North American, Indigenous filmmaking that includes clips from hundreds of Hollywood classics and candid interviews with cinema celebrities Robbie Robertson, Clint Eastwood, Adam Beach, Graham Greene, John Trudell, and Jim Jeramusch. By honouring authentic Indigenous cinema, Reel Injun captures the essence and spirit of ImagineNATIVE and celebrates just how far we've come in ten years.   Prior to the screening, the festival welcomes the public to a community gathering at the Native Canadian Centre from 1pm to 3pm.

Opening Night and general screening tickets can be purchased in a variety of ways with easy access for everyone:

ONLINE TICKETS as of September 22, 2009

Festival Box Office
Tickets on sale, in-person September 28 - October 18
(Closed October 12 for Thanksgiving)
Monday - Friday, Noon - 7pm
2 Carlton Street, West Mezzanine Level
Tel: 416.967.1528

Bloor Cinema
October 14
506 Bloor Street West
Opening Night screening tickets on sale at theatre 1 hour before screening

Al Green Theatre, Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre
October 15 - 18
750 Spadina Avenue
Tickets on sale at theatre 1 hour before each screening

Royal Cinema
October 18
608 College Street
Closing Night screening tickets on sale at theatre 1 hour before screening

All-Access Festival Pass $100
Student/Senior $60

Opening Night Screening (includes after-party) $12
Student/Senior $10

Closing Night Screening (includes awards celebration) $12
Student/Senior $10

Regular Screenings $7

Workshops and Panels FREE

About the imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival

The imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival is an international festival that celebrates the latest works by Indigenous peoples at the forefront of innovation in film, video, radio, and new media. Each fall in Toronto, the festival presents a selection of the most compelling, Indigenous works from around the globe. The festival's screenings, parties, panel discussions, and cultural events attract and connect filmmakers, media artists, programmers, buyers, and industry professionals. The accepted works reflect the diversity of the world's Indigenous nations and illustrate the vitality and excellence of our art and cultures in contemporary media.

Tickets are available starting September 28 at the Festival Box Office at 2 Carlton Street, West Mezzanine Level, near College subway station.

Sponsors 2009:

Presenting Sponsor: CTVglobemedia

Gold:  Aboriginal People's Television Network (APTN), Astral Media

Silver:  Astral Media - The Harold Greenberg Fund, Aboriginal Voices Radio, Canadian Television Fund, Canwest, Deluxe, NBC Universal

Bronze: Casino Rama, CBC News, TD Bank, Women in Film & Television - Toronto (WIFT-T)

Media: Global, Movieola, NOW Magazine, SAY Magazine

Friends: Air Creebec, Frame Discreet, Niagara Custom Lab, Ontario Ministry of Culture

Public Funders: Canada Council for the Arts, Canadian Heritage, Miziwe Biik Aboriginal Employment and Training, Ontario Arts Council, Ontario Ministry of Culture, Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Telefilm, Toronto Arts Council

Community Partners:  ACTRA Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario, A Space Gallery, Beehive Design, Big Soul Productions, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT), Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre, The Music Gallery, National Film Board, The Native Canadian Centre of Toronto, Urban Rez Productions, Vtape, William F. White International Inc.


For more info, to request screeners, set up interviews, get GAT:
Ingrid Hamilton - h/o:.416-482-6142  c:.416.731-3034
Charlene Coy - o: 416.546.2179  c: 416.908.7333
Pictures available for download at
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imagineNATIVE is a non-profit charitable organization and we need your support! To donate please visit and enter "imagineNATIVE" or contact Kerry Potts at or (416) 585-2333. Charitable tax receipts are issued for all donations.

Join the imagineNATIVE Facebook group or add imagineNATIVE as your friend on Myspace at and visit us on YouTube at


28 September 2009


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