Québec National Event
April 24 - 27, 2013
Montréal - Queen Elizabeth Hotel
Over many years, generations of Aboriginal children in Quebec were sent to Indian Residential Schools funded by the federal government and run by churches. Children were taken from their families and communities, and stripped of language, cultural identity and traditions. Canada’s attempt to “kill the Indian in the child” failed, but the devastating impact of this long-standing policy continues. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) is holding four community hearings throughout Quebec as well as its Quebec National Event in Montreal. Come and share your truth about Quebec’s Indian Residential Schools and their legacy. Come and learn about the long history of the schools system and what has happened to former students and their families.
All gatherings are open to the public. Admission is free.
Health Canada health supports will be available on site.
Leading up to the Quebec National Event, the TRC will hold 4 regional hearings as follows:
- Sept-Îles, January 22-23, 2013
- Val d'Or, February 5-6, 2013
- La Tuque, March 5-6, 2013
- Chisasibi, March 19-10, 2013